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Spoilers… well probably yes i hope none of you have seen this.

Now i have Disney Plus again its got all the disney spin off films that are like 1h15mins perfect home from cinema ignore but watch films in my opinion, but are so badly made that they do deserve to not be watched by anyone.

I remember seeing this as a kid but i have no recollection at all as to what happened in it, so i look forward to being bitterly disappointed in an hours time. Even as a child i vaguely remember not being impressed with this. So lets se shall we.

Its Awful. Theres no other way to put it. Even Billy Zane turning up to be John Rolph isnt worth it. Mel Gibsons brother is John Smith. The songs arent that good. The animation at time so so shocking & just like urgh. Yea its not good at all. I cant just leave the review like that tho really can it.

There is one point when she gets off the boat in London & shes running around singing & shes the only character moving & none of the back grounds change for a good like 5 sides & then its really obvious after that, that they have then picked something to animate.

So all those people who have now settled in the new world still have backwards attitudes to the people whos home they now inhabit & dont even bother to warn Rolph about them or that that was Pocahontas? Its bad its very bad.

I like when he chips away at his staff for every white person & then steals the MC shirt at the kings party & when he wont ride the carriage. Those are the only fun or good parts of the film.

Exotic creatures arriving in London didnt effect the eco system? hmmmmm. & Percy just happened to go back with them.

Ratcliffe wasnt a good villain in the first film as far as disney bad guys go, however he falls down even worse here. HE just got let off when he returned everyone believed him. So what happened to Bale & Connleys characters, were they also murdered like Smith.

I understand intense situations make you do weird thing, but she has no chemistry with Rolph, so that relationship seems weird. Also her reaction to Smith being a live is very much oooh okay then. I mean i understand he was “dead” & that she can choose her own path but from the moment he turns up shes very meh to them.

Locking people in the Tower of london… classic bullshit of american films. Okay yes i understand this was years ago but still. & no way would they have got out. Have you ever been on a guided tour of the tower thats crazy enough to leave from.

The bear batting is horrific. I know people used to do this & it proves various points, but its still not good. Leave that out of your film disney.

At least people do eventually listen to her. i guess finally.

& no way would they have stopped all those boats from leaving to get to America bollocks to that. I know its a kids film & im reading too much into it but at least one would have got away enough for them to catch up with. & then their entire flotillas been destroyed. As a british person we could have been under attack with no defences. Idiots.

& the end was soppy but meh, that she thought he wasnt saying bye, but he was there to be with her. Disney love doesnt always have to get you a happy ever after surly you learnt that from the first one.

Yea its crap, dont make your kids watch this when thyeve been through everything else on disney plus its just not worth it.

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