Maybe don’t watch a physiological thrilling horror on a plane where there is nowhere for you to even distract yourself from it. The only thing worse than that is to watch a film on a plane which is about planes & flying is worse, but this probably comes close.
My first film on my way to America (on the way home i watched the night manager big bang & tried to get some sleep yea that didnt happen really), i didnt see this in the cinema but wanted to but it was on at the wrong time & i definitely hated horror when this came out, where as now i admire from a far.
Basically a guy kidnaps 3 teenagers but he is actually 23 different personalities & people, with the 24th to be unleashed soon. The girls try to persuade him to let them go via the different personalities, & try to befriend some of them, as does his therapist. eventually the 24th personality the beast arrives & starts to kill the girls when they disobey or are mean to him.
Can i get the huge plot twist out of the way first & then i can talk about the rest of the film. you have been warned by the way.
Its the sequel to Unbreakable. OH MY FUCKING GOD?!?!!?!?!? I remember watching that when i was about 12 going ok this is odd & weird & interesting & then at the end of it going mer… i need to watch that film again what the actually hell? Were getting the next film too called Glass ahhh oh man i really need to watch it again dont i now i will appreciate it more. Such a moment when Bruce Willis turns up for all of 4 seconds.I warned you about the spoiler i warned you dont complain people.
James McAvoy is bloody fantastic in this film he really really is. Probably my favourite performance of his ever. To not just play one person, but to play one person being 24 people if fantastic. Its proper depth & is stunning & i can see now why some of his other performances in the last year havent been as good. This will define him & will be the part he is remembered for in years to come (please dont fuck up the next one people).
Everyone else performances are okay, but nothing to special, which makes them more of your typical im a stupid teenager whos going to die in a horror film due to my own stupidity, genre. You know what i mean by that theres always some people like that in this kind of a film. The Therapist isnt that strong either, she fucking encourages him too.
Why was it under a zoo?
Did they really think he would have a window to escape from?
Did they really think they could run away that easily?
Did we really need all that back story about her uncle that seemed to go to a place where the targeted teenage slasher horror audience, probably wouldn’t want to go. I know in the need it saves her from getting killed but still. Also are we then saying that its better to try & kill yourself when your being molested & abused by a family member than speak out to a friend or the authority with this. Nah thats the wrong message. Also she would have to return to that life, which is even worse mention it to someone love, please.
Basically if James McAvoy doesn’t give this stunning performance as the different characters (always blame it on Patricia), & we dont have that twist, this film is nothing more than another teenage kidnapping horror film. But due to McAvoy, it becomes something a hell of a lots more special than that. & for his performance alone its worth seeing.
Time to go re watch unbreakable & this one again before Glass comes out in 2019.