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I mean a film with Collin Farrell & Kiefer Sutherland should sell itself right. Im actually shocked to find this on my watch list for never having seen it & for it to now be added onto disney plus, this is perfect early evening viewing waiting for my dinner to turn up. I am ready to feel very tense here.

I am now very angry at myself that i have never seen this film. This film is so my cuppa tea. You have no idea if hes going to die or get away, or if everyone else is going to die or help him. Its proper on the edge of your seat stuff going oh now what, the drama just keeps ramping up & its just amazing.

I always say Collin Farrell is the most under rated actor ever & this film is. He just stuck on the one spot & hes got to act his arse off because he may have someone saying into an earpiece what his lines are but hes still got to say it & get so desperate to survive & keep everyone alive. Its wonderful & Epic.

& then there is Kiefer… oh my oh my… Wow. That mans voice on the phone just torturing him & being evil & threating to kill him is just scary & frightening. When he cocks the gun it sends shivers down my spine. Maybe its just because i trust that man with my life from 24 & designated survivor that whenever i here he be evil, it scares me. & thats why hes a bloody good actor. I mean you dont see him until the last 3minutes, thats how powerful he is.

Forrest Whittacker isnt a good cop, hes not very good. I mean i know he joins about 40mins in & hes basically there to solve it, but it takes them a long long time to catch on. & the wife & the girl friend, im not sure i actually believe in eithers relationship with him is true or honest, even at the end when hes safe. He had more charisma with the Pizza guy.

The sex workers across the road & their pimp, oh thats stressful. I was kinda shouting at them to leave him alone either, more for their own safety & then he forgets that the sorting out involves killing him. Like that was a sudden oh god holy shit moment, i really didnt think he would do it.

Its all so cleverly shot (pun intended) from it being him looking for the shooter, it through his laser sight, the tv coverage, you see it through all of it & its so clever & it jumps between them all & makes it feel like you are apart of this hold up.

A film like this cant be made anymore, Phone booths dont exist. all out local phone booths in the UK are all defibrillators or pop up library’s or first aid or coffee shops (well they are here in sussex). Doesnt quite work with the mobile does it. I mean even his flip phone that he uses to try & get help, thats a thing of the past too. Hed be able to get that so easily now.

The morals are also so good about the life you presume you live & the life you do live & the lies you tell along the way. It does make you stop & think, okay not to this extent but it does make you think how honest you actually are.

At no point id the pace drop from this film. You just felt so engaged & tense at the same time that you just sat there & when it get to the end you like what, ive only been watching this for 5minutes but no youve been watching it for 84 minutes.

How New York has stayed the same but also changed so much since this film was made. If you have been you will know what i mean, its very different but is exactly the same if the correct description. Im guessing the vibe has changed as our attitudes have, but its still new york so its still got to be a certain way.

I really enjoyed this film & im upset that ive not seen it before. I have a feeling i will be reaching this again soon. It was just so good & really engaged me. Kiefer if you want to threaten me be my guest & Farrell is still the most underrated actor ever.

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