Going to try & do this cinema club style as its only just come out so i apologise if i spoil this.
Disney are loving the remakes at the moment they really are. So Peter Pan was only a matter of time & the idea of Jude Law as Hook, well it was to good to pass on so here i am ready for one of my favourite disney films of all time to be redone. Lets do this disney, im looking forward to this.
This is false advertising its Wendy & Peter Pan… I understand that we needed to understand why Wendy didnt want to grow up, but we lost some of the charm of the magic of the story with it being more about her. Peter pan is all about the magic & living the dream. I dont need the morals. I want the spark i want the fairy tale & you took that from me disney, how dare you. im now worried about the little mermaid in a few weeks time. & shes my girl.
That being said Jude Law… Damn it! He was hot with one hand & with the extra back story. He owned captain Hook, he really did. It was weird that he also wasnt Mr Darling. I mean woohoo for Tudyk, in an actual film & not just the voice, but there wasnt enough of him in this.
I get that its not a musical i do get that. We dont have that many songs in it, but i think that made it lose some of its charm.
I get that they had to change the lost boys & Tiger Lilly. its 2023 thats got to change, along with some of the attitudes but at some point it was like you have gone a bit to far.
When they fly over london & use pixie dust at points, it doesnt have the same effect on me as the original. I just felt a little lost by it & i wanted more. I wanted to fly with them & feel like all my fears were leaving me.
Neverland also didnt have the magic i was expecting. It was just one pirate ship, one cave a bit of grass & a hide out. I wanted more. We didnt even really see the mermaids really. We do when we first get there but it could have been a lot more.
Dont get me wrong the main kids were good, but no one was spectacular. I wasnt sitting there going oooh these kids have future im gonna take their names down for future fantastic actors. I mean i get acting as a kid as hard, but being Peter Pan Wendy John Michael & the rest of the main lost boys… they could have had such good presence.
Tinkerbell was good that you didnt hear her or understand her to the end. She was the best well rounded character out of everyone in the film.
Not enough other pirates either, they always in which ever version of Pan i have watched, i have always enjoyed them. & the crockadial was mentioned what twice in the entire film… erm no we need more of him please.
I hate to say it but this felt like a half baked idea that needed another rewrite to make it look special. It was like disney went right whats next on the list ahhh Peter Pan lets go & do that. I felt let down by this. Maybe this is a reason to slow down disney with the live action versions of your movies. Just calm it down & make some other things instead.
But mainly deliever me a Peter Pan movie not a Wendy one.