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Going to try & cinema club this so apologies if i spoil this, ive tried my hardest not to especially as some are watching this for award season.

Theres been some buzz about this since October & everyone thought it would be a certain for award season, which it has been everywhere (except the Oscars for some reason) so it will be really interesting to see what this is really about & how its been done.

So its about a passing as a white person & not a black person & how peoples opinions change if they do or dont pass for that back in new york in the 1920s & 30s. ITs a very touchy subject & maybe as a white british person i shouldnt be the kind of person who passes comment on this, but i review films so i will be doing this.

There were some really uncomfortable moments in this film about race & colour & people attitudes & how they expect the world to be. I mean you hope this doesnt happen now but you know in some places that it does. I mean we have come along way since then but not far enough. I mean the styles of life are also so different. & its actually interesting that the lady who Passes wants to associate with darker skinned people, you would expect the film to be the other way around.

Both Tessa & Ruth are amazing, they really are, both of them have likeable qualities but as we move through the film & get to know them both more you see all the flaws they have & you realise not everything is as it seems in either life & how the others reaction effects what the other does next. Naivety or scheming, the two blur together.

There was a lot of partys & events despite new york being in the great depression & people not being bale to do things or afford things. I know its shows how the social scales have changed for them all but there was a lot.

Once this has been out for a year, we will talk about the end of the film. I have my own opinion so much so that when the moment happened i actually went omg they didnt & then how the aftermath is treated, showed that no matter what their worlds hadnt move on.

Being in black & white helped, however there were some nice garden shoots or some earthy shoots in the film, which would have looked so much better in colour. I know why it was in black & white but still. There were moments when i wished it was in colour.

Not wanting your kids to learn about racism, i do get that, however this is 1920s, 30s new york… that eldest son needed to know. HE was becoming worldly wise & he would have needed this knowledge otherwise his life in a few years time would have been even more miserable, especially as her kids wouldnt have passed.

We didnt need insinuated affair in the film, it did nothing for the characters involved in it apart from one scene but that didnt need that motivation, it was there already.

Its incredibly beautiful & stunning & well acted & it deserves its awards buzz. Im just not sure why the academy hasnt gone for this, it seems like the film they defiantly would especially as its actually good & been recognised everywhere else. Shame they dont get their night in hollywood.

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