Going to try & do this cinema club style, as it only came out on Friday so if i spoil it my bad.
I was looking forward to this when i saw trailers for it in the cinema last year & then it disappeared completely like 3 weeks before it came out & with no extra release date, posters gone, not on busses, like it never existed & then 2 weeks ago it was announced it was going to be on prime in the uk. Oh okay i thought. Its a good thing my parents havent taken their login away from me yet.
I completely understand why this film was pulled from cinemas when it was. Oh god i can. The second that scene happened at he end of act 2 start of 3 i was like ahhhh i completely get that. I mean how was Guy Richie meant to to that when he filmed this is 2020. No way peoples. He just got bloody unlucky due to the world as it was & what was at stake that his film was due out then.
Also if this film had come out when it was meant to, it would have been a similar genre to unbearable weight about celebs & super fans. Okay different styles of doing that but still its the same genre. Would have been interesting as to what was the preferred film.
Jason is very good very very good, in fact everyone is. Ive seen someone say that the guy who plays JJ is a bit wooden. Based on his character until we get to the chase in act 2 (yes to outside lifts haha) we dont know much about him he just gets on with his job & thats the point. Josh obviously believed this was his comeback role, but no guess who stole the show once again in a Richie movie which just proves hes 100% a legend… Hugh Grant. Theres something about him being in these films that just works so well & i love it. I really do.
There was a joke a very in joke about two people named Trent & Arnold… obviously he wasnt allowed a third called Alexander… but i paused it & rewound it as i was laughing my head off so much at that. I was like no guy you didnt ahhhhh.
All the chases & sieges & fights all had typical Richie tropes to them which are instantly recognisable. If you didnt know it was a Guy movie, you do when those moments appear & your like yep i know where in the film universe i now am in.
Is it so easy to hack & glitch into things, especially with this guy.
If im honest i didnt like the end & how the villains were dealt with, i mean i see why it was, i do understand it. IT just made the final showdown a little like oh so all the hard works already been done. IT felt a little lost at that. Up to that point id been on a fun violent action bound rush. & then that just felt a little underwhelming.
How much is the wine budget of secret service… hehe
The credit scene or whatever you want to call it i liked that was fun.
Its a Guy Richie film at the end of the day. The script is decent, you gonna have some fun & also shocking deaths & violence for the movie & its going to bounce quite quickly along to the middle part of act 3. It delivers on all that. You could watch a worse modern action film from the last couple of years instead of this. This delivers on everything apart from the actual final show down with its infighting.
Basically if Richie is your thing you will really enjoy this.