Well time for the next Nativity film then i guess. My festive viewing is going over time this year with all sorts of gems, so now ive done the first one i may as well do the next one. I actually have the third on DVD somewhere when i won it in a christmas quiz so yeah lets do this shall we.
Im gonna be honest to start with this wasnt as good as the first, but it was bloody hilarious & so British that it hurt. Like im not sure what other random stuff they could do on the Brecon Beacons but i think they did. The whole teacher vs teaching assistant debacles is funny & it good but it all does escalate really quickly.
David Tennant as good & evil twin was brilliant, especially the evil one because he really did fuck everyone over, like every single time, he gained a n advantage or got someone disqualified or stole the already stolen baby. Oh it was chaos.
The moment Mr Poppy turned up in that Duck Marine, i knew we were going into a lake in Wales. IT had to happen. I mean i know its over the top but i had no i dead that you could even hire a Duck Marine, so thats bloody fun. I mean it doesnt last long, before it dies but still.
The kids auditions were right at the start for the song for christmas & were still funny & cool, but not as hilarious as the baby auditions the following day. What was all that about? I loved it. I mean did they ever get that baby back at the end, the one they took with them everywhere that one of the kids smuggled onto the trip.
I love how all the parents & senior adults are all so angry at everyone for everything that happened, however they were then all so proud & happy for them that they were safe & on their way to represent the school i loved that. Thats proper british parenting. My parents had a phrase which was just because were laughing doesnt mean were not angry or disappointed in you. It such a UK thing.
The whole rambling around Wales was redisclose i mean it really really was. From buying the snacks, driving the wrong way, the magic donkey , the water rafting, the cave & the abseiling. I mean its a good advert for all the activities you can do on the Brecon’s & im sure if your a kid watching it theres something that they do in this film that you are likely to ask your parents to go & try. As a 32 year old, im not gonna do much of that other than hiking & maybe abseiling but other than that i aint bothered, but kids would be like oooh i want that please.
The actual singing contest was cool. I liked the pudding girls, who dressed up like christmas puddings, they were robbed, really really robbed. It wasnt fair. All the other groups were also so early teenies (other than the choir & the 2 main schools) but yea it was very of the time & it was very cleverly done. One issue if they were going to be up for being christmas number one that contest would have taken place in August at the latest to get that done.
The other schools christmas song was really good, it really was & did deserve to win, so when they claim the victory at the end , im with them for doing that, i dont feel like they stole it. They did deserve it.
& then giving birth to the baby in the barn was a bit much but lets be honest that had to happen didnt it. However how they didnt know they were having twins was stupid & madness & would never happen. They could have decided to not know what they were having but not knowing your having twins was madness.
The little boy singing & speaking was sweet & lovely, it needed that moment & we also did need the brother reconciliation & for his dad to finally say he was proud of him. As someone who’s always had parents who are proud of me no matter what i do, that always freaks me out when thats shown in films.
It was a nice little film & did make me laugh a bit, but that one was more what can we get the kids to get up to that the actual song or contest. Worth a watch if you have run out of christmas films, & its still better than the christmas prince.