So i have never seen the original of these films, ive seen the end of the third, & went to the cinema to see the forth so i know the set up & what to expect. So lets go back to the original. Its on iplayer & it is christmas so yeah lets give it a go.
So for non brits (& i know thats about 30% of you i read my stats), the Nativity films are british films about how our nativity’s arent just about the baby Jesus & Christianity & how we all do them in out own way. They really are quintessentially british & mad & im not sure if the rest of the world gets them but we do & thats why every couple of years a film comes out. Also half of the money ade from each one goes to children in need, the BBC charity, so that always good.
They are all so heart felt & honest & warm & funny. & i was doing so so so well, i really was, until Martin Freeman opened that letter box with the christmas wishes from the kids in his class. First one was normal, the next one was sweet, 3 was welling up, 4 onwards im in floods of tears into my wines crying my eyes out. Their christmas wishes for their friends themselves & then the teacher & the school, oh man. Yea ruined me. Watching Martin Freemans bottom lip go & hearing all those kids talking it was too much it really was.
I didnt know i needed to see Alan Carr as a local reporter in a kids film, but turns out i did. The sass. So Much SASS. It was crazy & i loved every second of it.
Martin Freeman as the teacher was amazing. His straight standard every guy persona which he always nails is the perfect person to then have an epiphanies, & make him fall back in love with christmas. But its his trade mark to do this & he just bosses it, from being mean & making the kids do Grammar & then going behind everyones back to put the play on in the end.
Marc Wootton is brilliant too being so overt the top & being an eccentric teaching assistant & just doing what ever the kids want & sending them into a frenzy. Its the perfect anti person Mr Poppy. Especially forging those forms for the kids to go to america & the auditions for the nativity.
There was a point where i didnt think theyd actually go & find Ashley Jensons character & that she was just going to be in flash back, but im glad they did & she did. & also the actual trip to america & then the helicopter arriving & them all shouting Hollywood are here after it being promised all film. Its brilliant.
Ricky Tomlinson as the mayor & Pam Ferris as the head teacher, i kept waiting for her to throw a kid over a wall, thats usually her trade mark when shes a teacher in a kids film.
The actual nativity is a McGuffin. Okay yes we do need it at the end of the film, but it is just to move every characters journey & story move on. Its only when we get to the last 15 mintues that it really really matters. & it is bloody good at the end too, it sums up a british nativity sooooo well.
I mean Jason Watkins nativity about Herrod was madness & was brilliant, what a way to do it. I wonder if schools do have that rivalry, for nativities? hmmm i need to ask a primary teacher dont i. I will do that. The schools scouting missions too.
The highlight of the film is the kids auditions which were entirely improvised & are just either so sweet or so hilarious. What a group of kids they got. & i love that though the auditions & rehearsals they learn to put there differences aside & how to accept themselves & grown. Its brilliant. Its doesnt just affect the adults, but the kids too.
Its just a hug of a film, it really is. British festive family films at its best & is so sweet & lovely. Its well worth a watch people, okay some non brits just wont get it, but youll get the love from it.
Now wheres my angle outfit from when i was 5, so i can sing joy joy the angles sang.