Pops is at his wedding suit fitting for my sisters big day, ive offered to go pick him up but he says nah hes okay to go home on his own so mama & i are on the wines & we are going to watch a Branagh masterpiece. Get in.
Im not going to do a popcorn synopsis on this one just incase i one day own it which i might, i haven’t decided yet. This universe will be continuing & will be going from strength to strength im sure. So i may not go into to much detail either but first one i will so spoiler warning (even though these storys have been around for donkeys).
Everyone does it, or no one does it? what a fucking cop out. As someone who didnt know the outcome i really did feel a little short changed by it, i really did. I’ve spent so long watching the film & investing in every alibi & lead & drama soaked minute to be told yay & nay. Bullshite. Thats not the films problem its the original texts problem & for that reason its not good. We are not here to go oh was it but if it wasnt i will say no. Bullshite go for a fusking answer.
I worked out everyone on this train was going to be linked & have motif, that was bloody obvious if im honest & came to the conclusion well before they started implying it too. Also how few people were on that train any how. That was it there was noone else. Imagine telling that to southern rail.
Johnny Deep is good for all of the 10 minutes hes in there being dodgy & darsidly before he is murdered. You do want him to have his comeuppance but you dont know why if im honest.
Any film with the Dench & Coleman is a good film isnt it, no denying that.
Did it snow that much in the original? there’s an awful lot of really convenient circumstances that happen for plot if im honest. You do just sit there & go really.
I wanted more interrogation if im honest, more questions for him to ask about people motifs & why & what. i want more information. As much as i had pre worked some bits out i still wanted more information from the characters.
This is taking nothing away from Branagh, hes good but is upstaged by his tash which is epic.
I will get into more details about this when i own it on DVD people, feel its unfair to unload on it all here & now. Its worth a watch but i think better & greater things will come from this universe.
By the way dad just about got home on one piece very hung over & giggerling… & he wonders where i get it from.