My dad does this thing where he flicks the movie channels, watched 15 mins of a film like in the middle & then just as you get into it carries on. Its irritating especially if youve not seen the film before & are suddenly invested in it. He did this with this years ago, & it had about 20 mins to go so when he flicked at the end mum & i went no go back we need to know how it ends, & he did. Ive never seen it since, but the house of mouse now own the muppets, so i can see what happens at the start to put the pieces together, finally.
Okay so it was as random as it looked originally. Like i know its the muppets but still, its trippy.
I mean essential its a lot of mini heist films, so i was on board for that. They were all very clever & the fact they kept getting away with it was amazing & how everyone was atrocious at working it out. Yes i know its a kids film but lets be honest its the original muppet generation taking there grandkids to see this isnt it.
That being said there are some jokes that just go over little kids heads. The best is still at the wedding when someone goes i need an usher & actual pop star Usher turns around & goes yeah. I laughed for a very long time at that. & all the people in the prison straight over the kids heads but looking at all the comedy greats (& the Hiddleston for all of 2 mins) in that prison was amazing i loved it.
Ricky Gervais as Dominic Badguy is the most obvious name ever, but it just works it so so works & i love it & he jsut plays a toned down evil version of himself which so works. I mean Ricky isnt evil, but he is clearly there for a pay cheque & then he remembers oh god theres a muppet & falls apart, i love it. & Evil Kermit too heheheeheh i loved that & i love how miss piggy sorted out which one was real as to which one wanted to marry her. That was sweet & clever.
all the muppets suggestions for the show are so out there, no wonder Kermit went for a walk & almost had a kitchen floor reset. I mean doing one of those per show would have been bad enough let alone all of them. Crazy, but thats the Muppet show for you.
Buying the worlds press to say the show was interesting & a triumph was funny too. I liked that, but again how more people didnt catch on, i have no idea.
How small was that police car seriously. I mean it was funny but still.
Not enough Animal in the film, but lets be honest Animal is my favourite Muppet so even if it was an Animal film i would moan there wasnt enough of him.
Why is it always the crown jewels people want to steal? I get that its iconic but they are one of the most protected things in our country, so please can people stop trying to take them, its not going to work in the real world.
The end is madness but lets be honest after everything that came before it would you expect anything else. Miss Piggys ring being a bomb, the escape. Oh just all of it madness but i wouldnt have it any other way. At this point you just go along with it
Its a good tour guide for kids around iconic places in europe that they can go to with their parents so thats very educational & clever & also teaching people to not just say yes & agree to everything, a very important life lesson.
At the end of the day this is a muppet film from 2014, is it their best work no, but is it bloody funny random & a good way to kill 100 minutes with some epic celeb cameos? hell yea. yo cant go wrong with a bit of the muppets can you?