This isnt spoilers, if you think there are spoilers, then you must not live in Camelot… Camelot… Its only a model… shhh
Were just going to go through the classic basically, were not in the quest for the grail here peoples, were just getting to the point with this. If you wanna know what is going on go to wikipedia.
Your Mother was a hamster & your Father smelled of Elderberrys… its one of the greatest insults of all time, in all of film, ever. It just really is. What could be more concise.
The Camelot bit is the best thing of the film though. The whole song & dance of it all & the madness & craziness of everything going on & then they go nah no thanks were not going there. Perfect python.
Its but a scratch. I love that knight, i mean that is just one of the most british things ever, ever EVER! Its wonderful.
The exploding Rabbit that kills everyone. I adore it soooo soooo sooooooooooo much. Proper like omg laugh until you cry moment. It gets me everytime.
I love the opening credits which are the end credits (as there are no end credits hehe) but they just keep insulting each other. Its pure class & just so out there & properly sets up the tone for the film & how its gonna go.
The bridge is brilliant, being thrown into the gorge & passing the test is amazing.
& then the end oh man… its brilliant that it just goes back to the castle & they go to have that last stand & then the police who have been hunting them turn up. Oh i laugh & laugh & laugh.
Oh just go watch it dont read my review people go on netflix & watch it my lovies or iplayer i think its on both. Go be a knight of the round table