A film like this which basically re-enacts real life events & what happened is kind of hard to review, especially with such a subject note of young girls being killed. But none the less it has to be done. What a brilliant choice to watch on a good friday afternoon before you zoom with your friends, maybe not.
Amy Ryan was the perfect torn apart mother in this, she really was. So desperate for answers & wanting to know what had happened to her daughter that night when she was meant to be there for dinner. Its It also has the whole is it better to know that she is dead rather than her just be missing so then theres hope that she is alive.
Her kids are played brilliantly in this. Thomasin is very quickly becoming a star moving forward & will be in huge films very soon stealing every scene. Her range once again is stunning. Shes the actual glue holding the family together.
I love how they constantly call out the police for how they behave & deal with the situation. It takes them an hour to get to a proposed crime but a gated community where they are just trespassing 9 minutes. IT really does make you think about how the law behave in certain places & how some people are just left to fend for themselves & others are in with the right people. It still the case in america now, especially with what has gone on recently.
The fact they didnt link her to the case with the other girls they found was horrendous. I screamed at my tv at that point how dare they. That was just to make the case quieten down a bit & take the spot light away when actually it just amplified.
I like how all the trauma you could just see it effecting her youngest daughter & as someone who didnt know this was real life, & hadnt looked up what had happened before i watched this, i was like why do we keep seeing this girl have moments where her mental health needs to be checked on. & then in the end credits to realise that she ends up murdering her mother was a oh my god moment. That hurt & stung a lot. All the trauma her mum put her through to make her understand life isnt always fair, actually lead to the mental health issue that got her murdered.
The support group of all the other familys & mums who had there daughters discovered was really good. Everyone in whatever walk of life you have need a support group. & okay they werent always good with what she did but they still wanted to be there & support her in her quest for the larger justice.
It is just very uncomfortable to sit through & watch & i think thats the point. You are meant to be sitting there going oh god this is horrendous & those poor familys. Life in these films isnt always sunshine & you dont get a happy ever after with life. I like that it felt very raw & real like it was a document & not a film.
That body at the end was needed, but did she really have to take her girl with her. Im guessing that did happen in real life, as if it didnt thats not the right thing to have a dramatic licence about.
If you like crime & detective film based on real life this film is for you. It is dark & haunting but that is the point of it. It really does make you sit there & think & go oh god this is just the worst place to be.