So last weekend i was away having the best time at Coldplay with my IRLFs & loving life. What a friday night that was. Upon waking up on saturday morning & checking my phone & looking at what id missed the night before, i saw notifications on twitter… on my film twitter, which hardly ever happens. There were 3 from different people asking if i was okay, as i hadnt done my normal friday night tweet along or posted to say i wasnt doing that. I was shocked. So ive made sure this week ive picked a classic to watch & get back into the swing of it properly. So were going for L.A. Confidential which i am really looking forward too. I mean i didnt intend on doing back to back Russel Crowe films, but that is what has happened. So lets do this peoples, lets see what this was all about.
Okay film is over & im just like why the fuck did this film not win any awards, what the fuck has gone on, what were the academy thinking… checks the year… ahhh Titanic… I mean fair enough however. Nope no no. This is by far the better film for sure.
I love the La Noir style of it all & The sleaziness & dodgynes of everyone in the film. Unsure who to trust or believe in or who was going to get back stabbed or murdered or murder next. It just worked & oozed sass. For a film set in that age to be made like that in the 90s oh wow. If it was made now it would be honoured beyond belief. Its incredible.
If you know me you know my story about my mate, Guy Pearce. & he slayed. He nailed this so far considering he was a theatre & tv actor really at this point & was made the lead in this, damn it Guy you owned every second you were on the screen, it was mesmerising. Everyone kept moaning about his geeky look & his glasses for the first hour & i was like how dare you dont you dare he looks adorable & sweet & dont moan & then he took them off looking seductive & for all of 10seconds i was like damn it Guy, your meant to be my mate not someone looking hot.
I loved how his character tried to do everything by the book & then Russel Crows just didnt give a shit it really was bad cop good cop & it so worked. & i love how they hated each other too, they really really did until they actually needed each other at the start of act 3. It so works & you kind of dont want it to, to se whos going to break first, but your also so glad that it does.
I love that he also only goes after men who abuse women & then gets infatuated by one to then also make guy infatuated by here. Kim is very good in this film & she does deserve her oscar for her seducing performance. I was watching her sitting there going am i meant to be having these feeling for her watching this. It was that good a performance. But the sex tape… that was wrong. Also after all that resolve it took her to break him.
Kevin Spacey ( i know its problematic to say but you know its a film & hes an actor) is fucking unbelievable in this too. & he almost get there & works it out & then middle of act 2 bang hes dead. When he got shot i actually screamed what the actual fuck. I was not expecting it. I was expecting one of them to die or get badly hurt in act 3 but not at the 1h30 pint i was like no no no. & from that point on the film changes & your on the edge of your seat the entire time. Its also interesting he gets top billing in this. Im guessing to make people in the 90s to go & watch the film. Americans arent going to go watch two Australian leads are they at that time especially when one is a new comer.
Tax evasion has never ever looked so cool in all its life. I mean not that ive done it & i have to report to my bosses about anyone who may potentially be suspicious, thats part of the job. But i know you americans have a weird tax system… why do you do that & not just pay them all year round? It so odd.
The ambush is insane it really is. I mean i knew shit was going to go down & it was only a matter of time before they worked out who it was but damn it that ambush was in sane & how they all got away with it was just ahhhhh.
Looking back on older films, especially the 90s so many of them get police interview & cell scenes wrong, but this film doesnt. The playing prisoners against each other, getting things on records, manipulating to get someone to say something. It oozes sleaze & class at the same time which was what 1950s america was assumed to be.
Danny DeVito is in this film for all of 4 scenes & the narrator at points. What the hell seriously. I mean master stroke but i was like ahh i know this voice, i really do my childhood is calling me.
When there are bodies & blood & beatings, its very very graphic. We are more desensitised to that today in cinema we are, but that in the 1990? yea i can see why it was rated 18 (including the sex in that too) but yea it was not nice to look at, especially the dinner & the one in the floor boards, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww not nice.
It wasnt quite shoot in sepia but there are points where its framed & given a certain glow to it when you thin your watching something from the 1950s. The costume & style & houses & everything was so spot on. Your eyes are in for a feast.
Theres a lot of talking & exposition in this film & it flows out of the mouth, yes act 1 drags on a little, but it has to, it has to have you meet everyone & world build & then the act2 of oh go & then act 3 it makes that slow build so worth it. A script filled with so much to talk about then gets right into it & goes yep this is your movie now buckle up this is going to make you go oh no for the next 40 mins.
dodgy & corrupt police is always a good go to for a movie villain, it really is & the black mail twist to save face as well, we knew it was coming, but it was nice to see that character arch prove a point that even the best cop cant lose his way. & also we had a drive off into the sun set ending too, i know cliché but still.
So i saw my parents after watching this & said to them, why did you never suggest i watch LA Confidential? They went well we thought it was too long & that youd get bored as a teenager… oh how wrong they were back then. It was so cool, & stylish & well made & well acted & just classy but sleazy. It deserves so much more love than it gets. It unfortunately was a victim of circumstance to be up against Titanic that year (a film beloved by everyone) that it was never going to win.
Im going to start a justice for LA Confidential fan page, it needs so much love & respect & a new lease of life now almost 25 years later.