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This has been on my watch list for a while & i wasnt sure what to watch tonight & then Ali Plumb was online busy going you all need to watch this so we can chat, so yea Ali made my mind up for me, so cheers Ali. Im looking forward to this. let the festive viewing continue.

So i was all prepped to be emotionally ruined by the whole thing as everyone had told me. I was ready to cry my eyes out & be an absolute mess throughout & then i didnt. There were a few emotional & sweet moments along the way but nothing brought me to tears at all… until the last scene. & i know im doing this out of order & this should be near the end of the review but i dont care. Klaus passes on following his wifes voice & isnt seen again after many years of giving gifts to the kids & that was sweet & i could feel my eyes watering. Its was a lovely & beautiful metaphor & a way to go (we all wish when our time is up that we go happily & sweetly dont we). & his friend Jesper spreads the word far & wide about his & he becomes the folk law we all still know today & he brings up his own family & put them to bed & they all live happily ever after… & then he decides to sit next to the fire on christmas eve & he talks about him & hopes he will still see him & then the wind blows & you here the wisp… & the magic & love is still there & you dont actually know if he sees his friend again because it cuts before that point… & i sat there throughout the entire end credits balling my eyes out & then texting my family at 11pm in the evening when they were all in bed asleep or packing to move, telling them that i bloody loved them. Oh god that hurt. See this dark icy heart does feel something. Oh it was perfect. Im sure there are kids who watch this film with there parents who wonder why they are having an emotional break down at the end when they are all bouncing around like yea that was fun. The rest of us are just falling apart.

i mean you should watch the film to get to that emotional point because the rest of it is lush &loving & amazing but that ending, oooooooooooooooooooooh my. Yea im still not over it now 9 months later as i type this up (yes i know im so far behind).

Jespers arc is amazing from being spoiled to then being like ahh whats the point, to then not just giving a few people purpose but giving hope to the whole town & reuniting people who have hated each other for years, to then go nah im not going home. I mean i know its starts of selfishly, but it was actually done to help people & then because he is such a good aerator & story teller everything gets passed on turned into legend & he has to deliver. I love it. So well written because your not a fan of him for a little while until stuff really does get going.

I love how people in films be in animated or real life are just so calm at saying you will be cut out of the will & the family fortune. As someone who doesnt come from money at all & appreciates when someone gives me £1 because i need it (i know as of today monopoly money is worth more) it always pisses me off that this is an accepted film trope. How many people do you all know who have had their trust fund cancelled. Tell me.

The animation is so lush. You can see the dedication into the expressions being made, & the styling of the houses & how it goes from dark & drab at the beginning of the film to being light & happy to reflect the growth in the characters & the way the town & childrens lives & hopes have been repaired. Its so beautiful. That makes me emotional too, to just get it so right.

As an adult Klaus is not scary at all. But as a kid i can see that huge animated deep voiced man being a little frightening to start with defiantly. & i think thats why when we get to the end because he is just lonely & happy & has finally found purpose it hurts more because you have all fallen in love with him. JK is also the perfect voice fit for him too, that tone is good for being scary & sweet.

The familys of elders having their war & then deciding that they dont want the kids to be happy so have a truce to take out Jesper & Klaus is brilliant. Properly showing them that an enemy of my enemy makes my enemy a friend (not the klaus ever was an enemy tho) but it proves a point to them & the eventual marriage & declaration of love like Romeo & Juliette is perfect, its a brilliant sub plot to the film & keeps it going & makes it more than just a magical tale.

I like the isolated people, we only meet them half way through act 2, but that little girl & her people are amazing. They are sooooooo sweet & do anything in the end to help.

I know we needed a final show down & for it to feel everything was lost. ITs a kids christmas thing at the end of the day, we have to have that oooh no moment. It is done well & there is a lot of mild peril going on where you think ahhhh now what. & he has to return via boat too.

The idea of adults not being happy &them having loss in a kids film, but it not being sugar coated was nice. It was said in the best way & probably would hit some parents quite a bit at home watching it with their kids. Im not a parent myself, but i know that if my parents watched this they would get very upset at that bit as it choked me up.

The school transformation is the best, something so subtle but so needed & saves a lot of people. Thats very underrated in this movie but is good for kids to tell them that school is important.

Its just a beautiful little festive kids film, which is sweet & perfect for the whole family to watch together over christmas. This will now be apart of my yearly festive viewing. Ive just got to wait for the right day to then fall apart at it & have an emotional break down.

Its lush, just pure lush. Make sure your tissues are at the ready peoples for the very end of the movie.

Cheers for constantly going on about this Ali.

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