Is this really a spoiler shout seriously surely everyone who’s into this kinda film has watched it by now.
TV shows turning into films can end up as a couple of things. Being a car crash & everyone sitting there going why did they bother, or make loyal fans ecstatic & bringing a whole new audience who then binge on the box sets afterwards.
I was very young when this came out. Me & my friends all likes Harry Enfield, so we asked if we could watch the film for our friends birthday, at a sleep over & her dad was a policeman & the film was a 15. And all parents & policeman said yes. I like our parents I knew there was a good reason for having them.
Basically Kevin & Perry are 2 teenagers who have spent the whole tv series saying to their parents that their life is unfair & that they are not slaves, whilst they have been trying to lose their virginity to girls way out of their league. Therefore they decide to go Ibiza.
After lots of stupid things happen at home they eventually get the money to go in the most stupid of fashions, but then Kevin’s parents say they can only go to Ibiza if they go with them. Now I went to Ibiza & my mum was more worried about me going there than New York, but not as worried as magaluf. Yet she still didn’t come with me. I know it’s to make them more uncomfortable & have that sex scene that’s played all over the island, but still it’s a bit stupid.
The fact that they end up working for eyeball Paul, Rhys Ifans puts in an epic performance btw, is also a bit far fetched. If that was David Guetta or Calvin Harris that would not happen. No way pepe. Hes an evil bastard to all of the people he meets in the film, and you wouldn’t want to be apart of that sort of life style.
They stay on the north part of the island the posh part not the east. I know they are kinda their parents idea but you know if it was a proper clubbing holiday they would be near the harbour or strip.
The girls make up part is just horrific. Yes it does take 4 hours to get ready for a night out but this is just ridiculous. Some of it is gross & eww, but also so funny.
In the end everyone gets what they deserve, & you do have a happy ending. Which ultimately all films like this are.
I still love it & if I can find it on DVD I may buy it & watch it properly before I go away this summer. Without Kevin and Perry there would be no inbetweeners.