After seeing this in the cinema i started a love hate relationship with this film & if im honest, knowing we were going to watch it again on sky cinema did make me think nah you know what to expect now girl, its fine, you can deal with it. So here we are once again watching Joker, except mama who didnt come with us first time round so this is her first viewing of it.
Phoenix performance is truly mesmerizing & stunning it really is. He really did earn his oscar for this role & it is a performance people will talk about long after hes gone & we are all gone too. Its just so chilling & scary & so gripping that you really do just wanna shake your TV & go you bloody brilliant man & film wow.
However did he have to be the Joker for this to be the case & did it have to be set in Gotham & be in the Batman-verse? I know that how a film gets funding to be made & thats how you market it to get people to see it, but it doesnt need that. It also brings in the other comparisons with Ledger & Nicholson doesnt it (especially ledger when he is leaning against the window of the police car). But weve seen this iconic character before. It would have even more guts if it had just been a man who dressed up as a clown with a mental illness, it would of been a much more real story than it just being the Joker.
I like how were meant to think that some of it is just in his head & hes having delusions & that some of it is real thats very clever & makes you think oh yea maybe that is the case especially with the neighbour. Stunning.
The most stunning part of the film is when he walks into that theatre to confront Wayne about being his son. Its seriously one of the most stunning pieces of cinematography & looks so icon & crisp & just brilliant. That i actually paused the film at this point & made my parents properly look at it. Yep that how mad a film person i’ve become. I like the perfect shot. I dont care things like that make me very very happy.
Its not the kids who fight him or the guys on the train (ill get to them in a min) or Murray or social services who ruin his life, but the woman with the kid on the bus. She never hands back his card about the condition, which it says on the back must be handed back. That would of saved a lot of time & effort and things happening going forward. Shes the villain.
The guys on the train, oh they had it coming to them. Okay yea its over the top extream & stupid & ridiculous but oh my they are the kinda wankers in the world who you do sometimes wish did have it coming to them, but you never say it outloud. But they are the kinda corporate wankers you just wish would one day learn a lesson. We all know someone liek that (if you dont you are that twat).
I like how the train is then used again later & The contrast. When he was first on it with the girl & then kinda on his own its bleek & miserable but now its full of clowns embracing & trying to protect him in a way. Its alive & the city is discovering itself.
I do feel sorry for that comedy club scene & how he feels he is getting the glory but you know fully well hes not & then for Murray to destroy him after his opening fantasy of how well his life had gone when he was on there to then be ridiculed, thats gotta hurt to have your dreams shattered by the person you most admire.
When he kills his co worker, when i first saw that in the cinema i didnt see it coming at all second time you just watch it & go go on have him. Its something quite moronic & dark & twisted & Then the fact he has to let the other guy out & says hes still considers him a friend, makes you realise how messed up he is.
The stairs are bloody iconic, overnight it went from just some stairs to being somewhere everyone in the world will try to visit one day. I mean the music is a bit ooooh okay then odd choice, but its bloody fabulous isnt it.
& then the confession on Murray & Murray death… oh wow! Its brilliant. ITs stunning. I can understand why people say this film is a bit much for the violence & its not needed but wow its impactful & stunning & its just so well paced & well thought out that its brilliant & the film deserves so much recognition for that one scene.
& That in my opinion is where the film should end. Murray is dead the news outlets are going mad, theres chaos in the studio it… it should end with that test card. We dont need the Waynes murder or the crash or the bit the the asylum at the end. It should end there. yes him on top of the car with the blood making the joker smile is good, but we knew hed started a revolution at the point anyhow, we didnt need to see it all on fire & going to shit, we are all clever enough to work that out.
I like the theory that the clocks never move & its all happening inside his head & none of its really, but im not sure it is. Its a good point that the majority of the clocks you see are at that time, but thats when hes seeing a therapist or social worker who probably try to keep the same time each week to see him for the routine.
Its a good film & Phoenix is stunning, but did it deserve to be up for best picture at last years oscars when some stunning films missed out on that… no in my opinion. The subject matter makes it that good & it gets more recognition because its set in the Gotham.
If think it would hold more on its own if it was just a normal person with these mental health issues than an already established character. IT would make it more relatable to everyone else.
One final note while im here. We are all going through a tough time right now. Everyone is suffering one way or another & we all need to look after our mental health & just be kind & nice to each other. So please just pick up your phone & message someone now people, to check that they are okay & ask if they wanna chat. Youve opened the communication channel to talk about something with them & if they wish to share, then listen. Remember its okay not to be okay, we are all there for each other through every step of this, for now & forever.