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Iplayer randomly gives you some gems now & again & tonight was no different. Interview with a vampire was always something id been like ill get round to that & then never have, but today i am. Its the same age almost to the day as my sister so this will be interesting to see how much its aged. Ive done a lot of vampire watching this year so lets do it.

This film suffers for the end of act 2 & the majority of act 3 for one very important reason, Tom Cruise disappears for almost 45mins of the movie, while we learn about a different vampiric lore. Every second Cruise is on screen for this film its enjoyable. I mean hes not a very nice person at all to have on the screen as he is the villain of the piece, but the film lacks when he is not there. It does show how far Pitt has come as an actor since this, that in this he needed someone to bounce off so much & it was Cruise that made him, but the second he chucks him he suffers.

So Christian Slater was always meant to be dinner, i mean fair enough. Thats a good sized snack it really it is if your a vampire. Ive watched enough vampire films now to realize thats perfect. I mean he is very naïve. He deserves to get the scare of his life at the end of the film & then have his fate unknown. Surely he couldnt be that stupid.

He wasnt a good vampire if im honest. I mean he makes Viago, Vladislav & Deacon all pretty good & that is saying alot. Like he only drinks from animals & then only drinks from those that are already dead or on the verge of it. I mean mate, what did you think eternal life would be. Come on mate sort it out.

So they werent a gay couple but they basically were a gay couple bringing up there little girl for all her life, which isnt fair at all on anyone. I mean that is such a dick move to turn a kid into a vampire. She will forever be 11 years old thats not good for anyone. Could have at least gone for like a 15 year old so then you could pass it off when your there forever.

The way they then try so many times to kill him off & none of them work. I mean okay its not like now where you know how to get rid of vampires due to all the knowledge they have (& yes i am saying it like they are real). They couldnt just google the answers in the 17 or 1800s could they. They were not good. I mean dead blood was clever, but it only weakens them to a certain level, after so much time they would be fine & recover, especially when mixed with other blood.

When he kills those girls who assume they are there for the orgy, that is properly grim, but i have seen worse in other horror or vampire films than this. & how one of them just waits for it is a bit much. Unless shes hypnotized (which we never see him do) she should have got her arse out of there & made a bid for freedom.

The Paris bit is very weird, i mean it helps to know more vampire rules & what they do to keep things secret & there various other methods, but it just feels like a departure after the first 1h15 of craziness to then suddenly meet a load of new vampire & rules is a bit like hang on, so what we have learnt is helpful but this is more lure for you all.

The ritual is a bit much but so would any ritual being vampiric or not in Paris in the 1800s would be weird & over the top, definitely.

So they accept them & then kill them, its a bit much isnt it. After all of that to then try & kill them was bit much & the two that die from the main group (even tho we dont care about one enough) isnt nice. But then to murder there entire vampiric council was a bit much, especially as the majority of them slept, thats not on. They didnt have much of a warning or a fighting chance. So what happens to the rest of them now hes killed the majority of the council? Thats not good at all.

I also dont get why we dont see anything from like 1850 to 1990. I know eve got to build up why hes like he is but we dont see much from the next 140 years before the current day at the time setting & why he decided to announce himself at this point. Even a brief like 10min montage would have been good. Civil War & maybe some people he met along the way to reveal some unlikely people as vampires would have been good, but no the movie doesnt go there. We basically leap straight to the current period of time the film is set it.

The choice at the end is very clever when you find out Cruise is still alive after all the shit hes been through. Very clever & i didnt see that coming at all that he was going to get the last word, i love that. A proper oh yes im in charge of this film moment. Its my story & im in control of my eternal destiny hehe.

The costumes are very good for all the decades & places we visit. Its also well shoot considering all but like 4 scenes are at night & then candle light, for the 90s that would have been hard to do & get the mood right. Not too much mist either.

I like how his life at the start is so perfect & then spirals out of control which leads him to become the vampire he is. Its proof that one bad choice or one decision can change everything about you.

Im glad ive finally seen this & this is the core for all modern vampire lore 100%, but there are better vampires you can watch to there (other than the first 2 twilight films dont watch them). Cruise proves he is a star & its only worth watching when he is being creepy on the screen.

Now im off to go find Nick the Vampire & tell him hes good at what he does compared to some of these ones.

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