Pixar turn you into yet a blubbering mess yet again, this time you feel sorry for your own emotions when it comes to inside out.
Little-un Popcorn has been going on about me watching this for ages upon ages, so i finally did after she poped into to visit, & i wish i hadnt waited so many years to see it.
Basically its the story of a little girl called Riley, & the emotions in her head & what they turn her into & how they cope with all their emotions too, as she copes with going from her happy home life, to leaving to a new town a new school & letting her past go, & making new memories.
First of all casting Amy Poehler as Joy is an absolute master stroke, because i always see her in everything being so bouncy & the hi how are you ott person its the perfect role & she really gets alot of emotions out of her joy emotion (be it all emotions). Its brilliant voice casting & without her the film isnt what it is.
I love the idea that everyone has core memories which make them who they are, i was sitting there going hmm what are mine what make me me, that really odd, i wonder how many islands of mine have collapsed & broken.
Disgust is Green as she hates broccoli… haha(why would you hate broccoli tho).
The imaginary boyfriends haha, & the tower they build brilliant.
Putting sadness in a circle for her own good, is really bad bullying in fact booo bad joy bad bad joy. Thats mean no wonder she just wanted to touch everything. Although it is a good way of finding her later.
Hang on how come she only has 5 emotions wtf no no no i mean good for kids but when they are older how do you cover everything else? huge plot whole huge & dont tell me its because shes ten we see other peoples minds & theres only 5 people there too. you see
I really hope my dreams arent created the way they are depicted here, that looks odd. Also i dont dream about whats happened that day if you get me my dreams are odd. They are more like Cobb from inception. No real rime or reason to them. Last night i was going for a run down a mountain with Dave from Monday Night Football to stop an ice cream van hurtling into a mountain but we couldnt move the flints in time to stop it… see odd dream. At least i didnt die though that usually happens. Any how off topic.
The train of thought is brilliant, again though im worried about mine, as you can see from that last outburst i do tend to go abit oh lets go on this tangent so mine must be based on clapham junction.
The imaginary friend BingBong is brilliant, but so heart wrenching when he disappears in the forgotten memory vault especially as its right after you’ve had your emotional break down & joy has discovered her own sadness. Literally its all crying from there, & thats why pixar are good at there jobs. & then you get to the last bit when shes home & Joy realises that sadness needs to have more of an input to recover from this & a new core memory island is created. oh god thats emotional, not just because of Rileys life & the emotions, but because your thinking of moments in your life when you have been like that.
I like that fact that every now & then we see into everyone else’s head & there emotions in theres thats brilliant, especially the dad not concentrating on anything & the cat going crazy as all the cat emotions are just going mer im a cat problem. Its also interesting that mums core emotion is sadness, which is concerning. Id hope my mamas isnt.
The new controller at the end saying whats coming soon & what could go wrong is brilliant, do they say that at the start of every year.
You need to be in the right emotional state to watch this people & maybe if you have kids watch it first before they see it so you get all your crying out of the way. It is a triumph from the pixar tears factory yet again. Up is still more of an emotional breakdown though & i still think is better.