I’ve met these amazing people. We are the hiddelstoner. & every friday for the last 9 weeks weve watched a Tom Hiddleston film, its been amazing. & this week it was time for I Saw The Light, one i hadnt seen before. I mean as we were doing a group chat at the same time, i didnt concentrate on it as much as i should have, so i have probably missed some bits here my bad.
Tom is so good. So good. Considering hes not know for singing or for his American accent, he bloody does a good job at all of it. I mean your lead in a biopic has to be believable, but here he is the only consistent part of the film, & his character in Hank isnt the most believable or reliable person at all. The cheating the drink & the laziness at points. Hes not the most likeable person in the world, but Toms charm shines through to make you forget that.
Elizabeth Olsen was on the rise when this film came out, however she isnt a good actress. Shes fine for the MCU but not as a main lead in a film like this. It also didnt help that she couldnt sing at all. I mean i know she was meant o have a voice that some said was good & some said wasnt but she really wasnt good. We all actually paused the film at one point & went can we go back again & hear her. Yea she was not good at singing or acting in this. When it gets to her emotional im broken moment she doesnt deliver, & i was really hoping she would.
The radio stations making people sing live, what that hell. I know the live lounge is a thing but thats a badge of honour but for them to do that every day was a bit much. No wonder they all took & drank everything just to function especially if they had a show the night before. Those shows were all so random too. I mean im not American & i dont know about country music that well or the era, but they all felt weird to watch.
It was a bit random at point some bit how we went from one vibe to another. It felt a little disjointed at points, but that could have been using the chat & missing something important on my behalf.
There were moments of sadness & sorrow in the film. He really was ruined by the time he got to the end of his life (29 wtaf) but he knew it was coming & he looked a broken shell of a man & was falling apart at the seams. It was heart-breaking to see, but the industry & fame does still do that to people.
When they sing the song to the baby, thats very emotional. I loved that we all had a bit of a moment at that.
There was a lot of shouting & angst, which i do get. But at times it felt liek it was done just because not much had happened in the 10mins prior.
It was tragic what happened to him it really was.
Its not well written at points its like are we going to get to this point, is this person actually important. Whats going on hang on did i need to remember that.
What i saw & enjoyed i enjoyed a lot, but maybe having an intense chat about it & some poor acting skills made me miss bit s that would have made it make a bit more sense. Maybe a rewatch with out the ladies i love would help for me to be sure about it. Tom was still good & looking rather fine.