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Parents still have no internet so i still have their prime, god my mums going to wonder why shes got lots of weird recommendations on her settings when she gets it back. but its time for a film i saw advertised around this time last year, which was on netflix in the rest of the world, but the uk nah Prime… great… the one service i didnt have… yep its time to watch I Care A Lot & see if they do.

Well i wasnt expecting it to be that twisted & fucked up but ooooh it really really was. & in the best possible way too. I mean i know that probably makes me a bad person & also probably means i need therapy, but still. I really really enjoyed this & how dark it was.

Rosamund Pike was hardly up for any award for this film… why was that the case? She was amazing & so evil & manipulative & you wanted her to get her just deserts but you also kind of wanted her to succeed. Its that weird grey area where your just confused but it just kind of works so well. Its such a performance its amazing & so clever & brilliant.

Peter Dinklage is also so brilliant in this. I like that it takes a while for you to be like ahh hes linked this way &then his bat shit life spirals out of control too. Its brilliant & he needs so much praise for this. As much as Rosamund does the majority of the heavy lifting, it just doesn’t work with out him in this supporting & being off the scale. I think this is now prompting me to go & finally watch Thrones. (should point out when i initially started this review this is where i stopped typing to do something else & i have now just finished season 5 of thrones ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh {justice for Sofite & the princess}).

I can so see people would con the elderly & get all sorts of legal things off them, i really can see that happening & i think thats why its so shocking that this happens in this film. Its just that she picked the wrong family to fuck with, anyone else shed have gotten away with it. & i love how that guy in the court at the beginning is just so little & then ends up being the “hero” at the end. Like you completely forget about him but its so important that he gets the last word in.

I wonder if my grandma has a safety deposit box somewhere for us to find. They always do in these film when shady stuff goes on, but have you ever met anyone with a vault or safety deposit box? nope didnt think so. Why do films make it such a thing that so many people have one.

The houses & the house selling, thats all a bit much & no one ever even bats an eyelid. other than the guy who picks her up. I mean id love to have that many houses just to be able to do that, that would mean exploiting & fraud tho. I dont have time to do that. I struggle to have the time to type up my blog sometimes.

the court battles are good. I do love bit of a court room drama i really really do. theres something about them & the drama that goes on that really really gets me. Maybe its because ive never experienced it all other than on tv & film.

I love how it goes from twisted manipulated & grey to suddenly a mafia film with torture & people getting killed off left right & centre. It just suddenly goes from grey to dark & evil & it needs it. It was starting to feel a bit like okay what are we doing next in this & then it just goes & now its batshit crazy.

There is no way she survives the car crash into the lake in the real world, no fucking way. Only in a movie do you survive this. I mean i know its desperate & shows she survives anything & is untouchable even as a mortal, & shows what hes up against, but nah she does not survive that in the real world.

When she drugs him & leaves him for dead is clever, but then for them to go into business together at the end of the film was like the hell. The two people who had so wanted the other to just fuck off & die for the majority of act 2 & 3 then come to an arrangement. I mean it pissed me off a little that they were both willing to do that, but looking back & looking at the characters & how they were written that actually makes perfect sense. Why the fuck wouldnt they. They are the same person just from very different worlds.

& then you all think its all going well for her & she got away with it & that its all gonna be good & shes gonna keep her dastardly life & then bang she get shoot. I mean she did deserve it for everything she had put everyone film in the film. But I do love that its the guy from the start & shows how bad the system is & how it fucks people & family’s over at time & that some people should answer for their crimes, even if they arent deemed crimes. Its not a happy ever after, but she did deserve it.

Its so well written. Be it the characters, fitting in a lot of exposition & legal & medical stuff. As well as an emotional twang to it & then fianlly the mafia & people just being evil. Thats a lot to make your script feel & your characters respond but it does work & its so cleverly held together by a pin.

I forgive it for turning weird half way through, because looking back now in hindsight, it needed that, because other wise it would jut be an exposition telling us loads of stuff film. ITs very clever & i look forward to seeing it again at some point. There are definitely bits i missed & now i know what im looking for & that it does suddenly turn half way through & get weird & become a different film, i can spot the signs of it.

ITs a very good clever film, where everyone gets there just deserts or exactly what they wanted. Well worth a watch peoples.

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