another week another film quiz but this time we have to watch a Japanese Anime, which seems good. Issue is its not spirited away, which if im honest im grateful for i don’t like that film, so im looking forward to this one.
So lets get the end out of the way shall we. That was what confused me. Basically act One & Two took about about 95 minutes of a two hour film & then Act Three took up 20min & Act 4 5mins. It just went for build to build to randomness & then bang its done film over. What a strange way to end a film. I was left very confused by that. Was her curse lifted, who was the random prince, who was actually whos true love, what happened with the dog? too many questions left un answered for such a short space in time.
The dubbing didnt irritate me, it was nice actually after watching lots of Korean stuff & having to read. so i liked that. It did throw me when Christian Bale was the lead i was like woooo it Batman yayayayay. But it was only looking at them & the way it was made that you suddenly realised in was anime.
I love how it is all hand draw it was lovely & beautiful & a proper art form just stunning. Some of the scenery too oh wow.
I liked the door which kept changing that was lovely.
Calcifer stole the show if im honest. The Deamon was amazing & i loved every second he was on screen. HE made the film & it was epic.
The actual logistics of a moving castle is a very good idea & you do kinda wish you could do that in real life. Just pick up & move.
Those weird Hench men made of the black gooo were weird. Didnt like them.
Did Sophie just have the spell on her on could everyone see that she was a n old lady?
We didnt know enough about the war to care about why they were fighting for it. It just made me feel a little okay yea a war, but then it didnt add as much to the story as i wanted. IF we were seeing everyone go to war i understand, but just Howl… nah they missed a trick there. Id have cared more about the scarecrow being the missing prince at that point, would of made the ending a bit better.
The trains smoke was beautiful & breath taking i liked that.
Im not sure how Sophie was actually related to anyone else in her biological family. They all seemed so up themselves & she was so nice. The one time she wasnt she was cursed.
I liked the film & im glad ive watched it, but anime isnt the be all & end all. If someone asked me if they should watch this i will say yes for the craft but be careful of the ending. IT just goes from good story telling to a rush to tie everything up.