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Please dont yell at me but i have never seen Home Alone.

Okay now youve yelled. Ive seen the second one & the iconic parts of the first but i was 1 when this came out & my parents weren’t bothered & other christmas films became out favourites as we grew up, so we never bothered with Home Alone, but its an option on disney plus so why the hell not. Lets see the film that everyone else obsess over every christmas.

Im gonna break some hearts here & say that it wasnt up to all that much. Im sorry it wasnt. I mean maybe watching it as a kid in the 90s it would have been however i just didnt enjoy it & feel that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you watch a festive film & there have been some recent christmas films ive connected too more that this. So im sorry.

That family did my head in, they really did, they were all just so rude & obnoxious & i know that when you are planning to go on holiday the night before that its stressful, but all of them were horrible. I didnt like any of them at all, not Kevin, not his mum, not his siblings. None of them.

However this doesnt make me a bad person because the person i shed a small tear over & felt for was the creepy guy they kept trying to make out as a bad guy who he meets in church & has his own family reunion at the end of the film. Its an ever so small part of the film but that one hit home more & was more realistic that the rest of the movie. We dont need over the top-ness film we need a true honest christmas story & as for the last 2 years weve not been able to see anyone, this one hit home the most & i cant wait for all of my family to be around one table on christmas day this year. That was lovely.

They afforded that house & a trip to Paris at christmas in the 90s…. bollocks

They really were the worst burglars in the world. They were not good at all. I mean which burglars leave a calling card seriously. The arent the joker or the Riddler, they were always gonna be caught, but they to be caught by an arrogant kid, that really is something.

Those manikins throwing the fake party was actually the best thing he did. I mean i know all of act 3 & that huge plan was fun but seriously its the fake party thats the highlight.

Asking santa to bring your family back, that was sweet. Not welling up moment or crying but sweet. He finally had learnt his life lesson. It was good to see that.

The scream face putting on the cologne is iconic. Ouch ouch ouch.

Lets be honest even now as an adult you feel like just having sweets & crap for tea, i mean you dont but still, theres a time & a place to veg out.

So she spent a fuck ton of money to get back to her son & travel fucking miles upon mile & then the family arrive home 20min later. That really pissed me off. Urgh. & the rest of the family after the initial panic just dont really care about it again not a good family to be apart of. She could have called the police that would have helped, okay yes they would have then been robbed, but still a much better idea.

I know they did a head count getting into a taxi, but no one thought to actually do another one until later & then without her really knowing he wasnt there she realises hes on the plane. They really are a bad family.

So i can see why people like this film if you grew up with it & im glad ive seen it. But its not going to be on a i must watch this every christmas list. If it is on while i flick the channels i might leave it on as back ground, but yea it wasnt all that. Im sorry peoples who hearts ive just broken saying that.

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