I wanted to re watch this to see if it was as mad as when i first saw it in the cinema last year. Turns out yes it was.
First of all my parents even sat & watched it with me… its christmas there was nothing on tv. & my dad kinda enjoyed it until he decided to get on with his life & my mum ending up ironing through it but said it was weird.
Alden Ehrenreich does steal the show no offence to Josh, but he does as the naive young new movie star, especially when Ralph Finnes directs him its hilarious. But he does save the day & is one to watch in the future.
The thing i was more shocked about in this film was that my mum had to explain to my dad who Channing Tatum was?!?!?!?!?!?! WHAT yea he didnt recognise him & then went so he can dance as well… Dad where have you been hiding omfg!!! hes a trained dancer thats his job you should be sitting there going oh he can act i see it should be the other way round. I do like the fact he takes the complete piss, but he is so smooth. If hes a communist i want in. Hes also got that cute dog too.
Casting Tilda Swinton twice was smart too.
I love that fact George Clooney has to play a bad actor who is so naive that must have taken a lot of work to make him look that bad, except for the last scene where he gives that speech on the mount. I like that fact he keeps getting injured on his sword too, just proves the stupidty. Especially when he wants the reward from his own ransom.
The communists are mad too. Seriously did they really think it was going to work & that they were from the future.??? Nah idiots, especially as they had Frank from the Vicar of Dibley, they were doomed from the star.
It really was a mad crazy film, but i still enjoyed it alot. Maybe a third viewing would finalise my thoughts on it & confirm that its either hilarious or maybe a little bit to whacky even for me.