I wanted something to concentrate on tonight to watch, but something that didnt require to much over thinking & not an action film & someone (i think it was Taylor from my Tom Hiddleston Group) recommended Gifted to me. Its been on my watchlist for a little while (since i did that Chris Evans super binge last year which almost killed me) its also now on Disney plus, so i thought why not. This is going to be sweet & pretty & nice. Lets watch this nice little family film.
This looks like all sweetness & rainbows but fuck me it is not. I mean a man bringing up his niece, i was expecting to well up & maybe a few tears, but to blub that much on this late autumn night? oh god no. The end of the film hurt, so much & i know he gets her back & everything but its the whole process of it & things being against peoples wish & whats actually best for the kid but oh god. When she hits him & he just hugs her & they both then fall apart & have a kitchen floor reset in the garden, oh god. I mean the cat being given up made me well up already but that, oh fuck. Yea that was bloody emotional. Watch this movie if you want to cry.
Chris Evans was peak action hero leading man when he made this, his star was top billing & to then to go do an indi film & act his arse off & give such an emotionally raw performance which is so beautiful really is something special. No CGI monsters, no props. Him a kid a few long speeches & a face that you just want to hug & tell him its going to be okay. Superb. His best performance ever. There is no other performance hes given that matches me (& trust me i did a stupid Chris binge last year).
Mckenna Grace is an amazing child actor. Her sass is brilliant. He vulnerability & just wanting a home & to know where she belongs, is mesmerising. You just really feel for her being pulled about everywhere in this. Chris is right she just wants to be a kid, let her be a kid. Which is why the end hurts so much.
The custody battle is so interesting. As someone whos not really familiar with these (especially in America) until recently (im not going to go into that sorry) its really interesting to see how manipulative & un trust worthy everyone is. Even the fact that the lawyer on his side gets to the point when he goes your not going to win mate please stop. Its all so intense & tricky & just arghhhhh. Its compelling viewing but it is all about adults being all me me me & not thinking kid kid kid. & the dad turning up half way through, dont get me started on that.
When she doesnt solve that maths question & then goes well it was wrong later on & is marched back in there, thats a power move. I mean im glad she spotted it & i was like yes kid prove your point, but then everything unfolds because of that one moment. ITs cool but crazy.
The sister story is very very sad about the pressures & that she did just want her little girl to be normal & not be pressured into doing this & make her own choice in life. I loved it & really felt for it. It also explained the strained family dynamic so very well.
What is it with Americans & health care? Seriously? I mean yes i know the NHS is on its knees right now but no, you & health care as part of a plot device & then how much it all costs, its crazy.
I knew from the second she was in foster care it wasnt going to work out &i think thats why i just got so emotional when he worked it out & the reunion & before that not being allowed to see her. God the film goes from this is sweet nice & a little stressful to oh fuck stupidly fast & it really does break you.
All the supporting cast are so good in this. Its so well written & shoot that it feels like you are intruding at times on their lives.
This isnt or actually no… This is a good film to watch if you feel a little emotional or delicate. ITs got fantastic acting, a lovely story, a heart breaking ending, a sexy leading man, & a cat. What more could you want from a film. I am actually really looking forward to re-watching this & going oh god at it & knowing i cant stop the tears from falling. Its a very very special film.