Spoilers…. nah not really
I dont actually ever recall sitting through all of this Ghost busters film if im honest. Number 2 yes but this one no. I mean ive seen most of it & all the iconic bits & the end, but never consciously have i ever sat down to watch Ghostbusters… i am now though. Mainly because my sister whos trying to go through all the classic films she & her husband havent seen did this film yesterday & ive just stumbled across it on Netflix, so why not. See sisterly socially distanced walks along the beach are good.
Its funny its very very funny. I mean some of the comedy & reactions & attitudes in it are now a little dated & me too movement would go oh no you what… but if you look at it as an 80s film its perfect.
The best bit of the film (part from the song but the songs just epic anyhow) is when they go to the hotel & destroy it trying to catch that ghost in the ball room. Wonderful. Entertaining. It just makes you smile & laugh so much. Its the best bit of the film.
I lke how they just keep the captured ghosts in that one room. I the 80s when you all saw it first time around did you know it was going to head to disaster at some point, the moment they showed that i was just like okay i see where this is going.
Im guessing by seeing the iconic bits previously & part watching it all maybe as a kid but not being bothered by it, it did ruin the crossing the streams & the fact it was the mascot as the final ghost. I mean i know that funny but after having the phantom fridge & those other thing that all just felt like oh okay.
We also suddenly when from build build build build build to & this is the final show down didnt we & then when we knew this was the case it still took a while to get there. No mayor even in 1980 would take that long to decide to send someone in to deal with that you’d just do it, sod the dramatic license you would. Im not having it.
Some of the way the Bill Murray flirts with women & objectifies them is just wrong. I know the 80s were different but its just awkward & uncomfortable to watch now. Im sorry this makes me a millennial snowflake i know but still it just feels wrong & freaks me out a little bit. I dont want to see that in any film thankyou. especially where its normal everyday people being taken advantage of.
Some of the technology they used in the 80s for this film would have been state of the art & okay it looks bad now but people in 40 years will look at Endgame & go the hell were you guys thinking. Kudos to them for back then for doing that.
The car & the outfits & the logo are just so iconic & then the song oh the song. Wow.
I can see why people loved this in the 80s & i recon if i had seen this when i was younger id have appreciated it more & it would probably be a go to of mine like the naked gun & under siege films that i watched as a kid. I just think i have watched it in full to late in my life & to far away from its original time line for me to adore it. I still liked it dont get me wrong & id happily watch it again.