Who remembers lockdown one, the original, the Banana Bread Bonanza, Joe Wicks Work outs, Tiger King… nope well i remember Zooms & weve now finally stopped them on friday nights, we plan to do one a month to see our friends who live away, but thats it, the quizzes are no more. But while we did Zoom we did give each other recommendations & one of my friends said i would enjoy Freaks on Netflix. ITs slowly been moving up my to watch list, & tonight its in the top 10 of what i fancy so yeah lets give the alternative super hero film a go shall we.
So Freaks are people with abnormal powers who are being tracked down & found & taken away by the government or killed if they use their powers too much. A Tell for if someone is a freak is if their eyes bleed from using the power. So this is a story about a Dad his little girl, her Grandad & Mum, a neighbours who dont accommodate that much & the police doing their jobs.
So i understand her dad can control time & put her in a bubble but surely the neighbours who the dad wants her to eventually go live with her would be like hang on you had a one year old who 6 months later is now 7? I mean yes its the ultimate love & protection to slow the rest of the world down to protect her, but no one had realised this up to that point.
The film always boarders on going really dark like really really really dark, but it never has the balls to completely go for it. Every time you think ah we are going to get that we dont. Like the telepathy shed obviously used to control that other kid, the red pen & the eyes, destroying the house, the ghost, the mountain, the intended torture scene, all alluded to but never as graphic or horrendous as they should be. It cops out of some of it, just try & have more of a go at one of them.
Tricking the police into believing that the neighbours were freaks was bloody brilliant. I loved that. I mean they promised right, & suddenly when the time comes & they are all like well maybe not. What wankers, a deal is a deal. HE said it would happen randomly, but were they expecting it in like 5 more years or so.
Her mum being a ghost & being able to talk to her is cool, however so much more could have been done with that power & those scenes to make it more interesting & build on the characters more. It just felt liek once shed eventually made that connection, it was more to then just get her mum out then just show off her mum.
Lots of ice cream in this film, i made me very hungry. I mean were not talking Brad Pitt eating levels, but still.
I like ambiguous opening to film where it takes a while to get into it & discover the true nature of whats going on, however this one i was a bit like actually yea ive had enough now can we see if shes got powers & what might happen if she goes outside. they over did it too much.
I know they are all super heroes & everything but even with a super slow mo power her dad has no way would they have survived the drone attack & all that fire. I know her dads already dying so has nothing to live for but still
How bad is that mountain prison when all it takes is one little girl with telepathy to break her mum out, i mean fuck that sort your guards out people seriously, that really is the government cutting corners.
The end is sweet but also a say whatttt. So her dads dead & the police are dead & the house blew up, but her mum who she bonded with for all of like 3 minutes via telepathy is now there & whisks her away trying to decide if they are going to hide or show their powers. That kid if she does get through all this is going to have 2 complete opposite personality’s plus so much psychological trauma. She will need counselling for years to come.
Im glad ive finally seen this film, & it was okay, but it didnt deliver on one item enough. It promised a new way looks at a super hero film, a family struggle & a horror scifi. It just spent so long trying to do all 3 that it didnt make any of them particularly good. I mean i liked it, but its not something im gonna leap from the roof tops from & shout you should all watch freaks.
I can see though why this was very popular in lockdown part 1.