Well i will try not to spoil it, this only came out like 3 days ago here (christmas eve) so this will probably be reviewed again soon.
When Netflix announced this back in the Spring, we all sat there & went why are you telling us about this now when your releasing it later in the year & then its been a long wait for it. & now its here & i cant wait.
I was hosting on Christmas Eve, & then its been christmas day & boxing day at my parents with no internet, & once i got home today (27th) i went to see Spiderman so this evening is my first chance to watch it. Im really hoping i fall on the side of yea i love this, i love the rest of his stuff & get it so im pretty sure i will. Lets do this…
I picked up a text from my sister while waiting for the end credit scenes of Spiderman & it read in capitals TELL ME YOUVE SEEN DONT LOOK UP! I said it was my viewing once i was home. & she was very happy & since its finished all weve done is text each other about it because it is soo sooo SOOOOOOO good.
It really is a film of who is giving the best performance it really is. Its also a game of oh my god they are in this film. I mean when i texting my sister & i said i doubt this years king of the cameos would make a film about the end of the world she was like the fuck was that them (as she loves them) & i was like yea that was them she was like right im gonna have to double check that & then was like oh my god it so was.
Cate Blanchet & Tyler Perry’s double act was on fire, seriously on fire. I want them to present a daily entertainment show, i would so watch it, both phenomenal. But they walked so DiCaprio could run. His melt down on national TV was one of the best pieces of acting of the year, & possibly of his career. I mean how he can just pull that out of the bag just like that, is stunning. You just sit there going yes mate you go & boss it & wipe the floor with everyone else.
Its in the trailer that Lawrence has a melt down, but its even better in the film. Shes just epic, i do have such a soft spot for Jen tho.
So you sit there & you watch it & i was there going, you know what i really wouldnt put it past the governments of the world to do this & betray us all for greed, votes, ego & money. & thats how bad a world we live in, that i genuinely watched that & thought yeah that could actually happen i wouldnt put it past them at all. I mean we would all be more interested in a celeb break up than the potential for the end of the world, that is true.
I liked the end, i hoped they would but they actually did & im so glad they had the balls to stick to it. It was brilliant to watch because it had all lead up to that point it really had.
Popstars really would host a concert for the end of the world & want to put their name to that.
Adam McKay is the king of editing & explaining shit thats far to complicated in films for you all to understand & it really does work & its all so cool & clever. I know that is what puts people off his films & makes them go i just dont get it, but i really appreciate it & love it & think its amazing.
I love the cuts away & how life just continues on as normal at times. It makes you appreciate how beautiful & wonderful our little earth it & how we do just take it entirely for guaranteed.
watch all the credits too for a fun payoff.
& i cant say anymore now, without spoiling it, because i would like you all to watch this film. I know some of you just wont get it & will be like the hell. But it think its wonderful & stunning. Its brilliant & as much as its bleak & a little of a downer it has to be for you to appreciate the brilliance of it.
Life sometimes doesnt have a happy ending.
I will be watching this film again so you can have a proper review.