Not intending to have Tom Cruise Fridays, but this is the second one in a row, so i aint complaining..
I remember seeing a trailer for this in my teens & being like yeah that looks cool & fun & then i never saw it, as a 14 year old with no money & parents who werent interested i didnt see it & then i wasnt the person who would watch films for the sake of it at the time. Now as an adult, & in my own flat & it moving up my watch list every week, it was time to watch it. I have time to concentrate tonight, so its time lets do it. All i know is that Foxx has a taxi & Cruise is a hit man, lets see what happens.
Oh my oh my oh my. My 14 year old self missed out & if i had watched this back when it came out, i probably would have re-watched the crap out of it. Its absolutely amazing & its so clever & its funny & its shocking & its mesmerising & i just sat on the edge of my sofa not eating the popcorn i had made or drinking my cocktail.
This is Tom Cruises greatest piece of acting, it really really is. Its so not what he normally does. HE is so evil & so twisted & really doesnt care who he kills or has to take out or hurt to get the job done at all. He is amazing & its a pleasure to watch him do this. Seriously that man should have got a swarm of nominations for his performance in this. Absolutely amazing. He just give me chills.
Jamie Foxx is solid too. Hes got a lot to deal with too. He is brilliant & is the perfect Ying to Toms Yang. The rest of the supporting cast were good to. You know my love for the Gruffalo & how good he is, but i like the fact when you first see him your not sure which side hes really on. Jada is good a really clever person who dumps all of the information you need to know for the rest of the film at the start in 10mins & then when it gets to that point you go ahhhhh i get it yes. Javier Barden is a random appearance, & is the only one that feels strange. & Jason Statham’s cameo as the transporter whos not the transporter at the airport is clever.
The second the story about the guy sitting alone on the subway being dead & no one noticing at that point you knew that was how someone was going to meet there end this way it was just exactly who it was going to be. I mean i did think it would be Tom, but it could have been him escaping & then just getting on a train & silently killing someone. The subway fight was a good way to end the film too. Very clever cinematography & lighting. Properly a oh someones not making this out alive suspense there.
starting up a limo business, hehe. That is very 2004 isnt it. Bless him. I mean good from Prom & for wrestlers & popstars but thats about it. But bless him seeing his Mum every day & telling her its all going okay. That was really sweet & reminds you that he is a real person.
$600 for 7 stops?! I would take that & not say a word to him at all, not one. I mean that is bad as i do talk to taxi drivers (not as much as a friend tho who tries to get as much info out of them as possible shes a machine) but for $600 yea no questions asked here mate.
When the police stop them for the stop & search that is bloody stressful. Sitting there going like come on mate move on you will die if you dont move. Didnt make me jump tho like when that body hits the car, that is a oh crap. I mean i knew that was coming, its in the trailer. It still amazing & that reaction would be what you would do. Oh & when they crash the car & you think its over but its not, that was good. Really didnt think he had it in him to do that.
Would you really get into a club & get that close to someone to assassinate someone? Well you wouldnt in the uk & i know its a film & its america, but still. Nah more people would have realised sooner defiantly. & then he kills the Gruffalo who i thought would be apart of the final show down but nah hes dead with 30mins to go. Thats my one complaint film. At least let him get to the building where hes trying to kill Jada before you kill him off not the club.
The guy that owns the Jazz club i was certain he was going to get away without dying, but nah Tom Cruises Jazz nerd in him got him killed. I mean thats like me saying something nerdy about film that no one know so i do feel that moment & relate. But im not going to kill you for not getting it right dont worry.
Whats in the brief case wasnt quite what in the box level of drama, but that tech in 2004, im impressed, that was state of the art. Laptops had just become a thing for people & were easier for the normal person to get so having it as that & a sat nat & all the information live updating was very clever. I was very impressed by it & then angry when it got smashed as things were going to get worse for all involved.
The life choice argument is epic. It so painful & raw but is exactly what the film needs at that point. Its amazing & i felt very stressed & really on edge after it & everything they throw at each other & it is having a go at each other. It was like an old married couple, just be it a taxi driver & an assassin.
Every bloody thing is linked to, from the deaths to the life styles to the people they meet on the way & the fact we start in the day then do the whole night & end on the dawn of the next day is lush.
I bloody loved it. This is my kind of film. It kept me on edge. It kept me guessing. It was violent when it needed to be & it ended on a really good set piece from the building to the train. I can see myself going back to this film time & time again. Brilliant acting, amazing story.
yea my 14 year old self missed out defiantly. Cant wait to re-watch it.