Well this has been on my list for a little while, a mysterious room with people in which is a battle royal kind a movie for some reason. So i had some time on Saturday night as i finished Indi 3 in plenty of time & im now sitting here going i should watch something else, especially as tomorrow night is Elton at Glasto, so this should be interesting.
The idea of this film is so good & really does make you think what you would do to survive in a desperate situation & what you would be willing to sacrifice or tell others. For those who know nothing about this film, its 50 people on random red spots in 2 circles of 25, where you each get a vote every 2 minutes to kill someone, if not the room selects at random to kill someone & they very quickly work out one person survives & everyone else dies. Its grim but the deaths are pretty quick by shock & are sudden, but it really is a question about humanity & whats important in the world.
This room of 50 people starts killing the older people which is an interesting concept, they have lived their lives therefore they should go first, its a good way to do a process of illimation. I hate to say it but its true & a sensible way to do it. Some of the older people are more willing that others, but it does buy them all sometime to work out why they are in this room & doing this before the next death.
There are some people who really do deserve their deaths, the homophobic, the racist the bully & the aggressive. They all really do get on the others peoples nerves & as a viewer you do feel satisfied watching these deaths because okay yes only one of them is making it out, but those people did deserve it for their back dated opinions & attitudes. You should feel guilty that you want them dead but they did deserve it for the way they treated others.
Its very reassuring that to start with every realises its either the pregnant woman or the 6 year old that will live, it does show that humanity is good, but as soon as they get bellow 25 people the tables start to turn & they start putting them in ties with one or the other, thats very interesting. Would you conscious be able to cope if you voted or killed off one of these two people in the room when everything youve been brought up with tells you harm to either of them is just wrong.
The few volunteers are sweet especially the 16 year old, the second youngest person in the room bless them. I mean whod have known, but oh wow that was good & really sad to watch. There were a few ties with people to see who would be killed & when it was the couple who had been having an affair for them to go at the same time was nice, but still like one guy went ewwwwww yea too much.
Theres one point where someone says its god will as to who lives & the atheist has a rant, the worst thing he could do. I mean i get it pressure situations make the real you & your opinions come out, but he could have at least survived a few more round & then he picked on the pretty girl next to him who he assumed was an adult performer & that got him killed.
The army guys cause to live does make a few people think okay maybe he doesnt need to die yet, however i get that we should all love our veterans & he wanted to see his family, but he hadnt. He could have easily died on his posting. Also surely he is always willing to die, so why di he not volunteer at a moment when no one deserved to be killed? Felt weird.
The couple who pretend to be husband & wife… ahhhhhhhhhhh i loved them, but everyone here everything in the circle so when the fuck did they come up with the plan to try & get to the end for it. No way pepe someone would have picked up on that.
Splitting into fractions was weird, i know its survival of the fittest films do this but its weird when they are all still in the same room & decide to do it. It took a while for m to work out what was happening
Now i worked out quite early on that someone else was going to get to the end other than just the pregnant woman or the little girl but i really wasnt expecting it to be the guy it ended up being. I mean he played it all very well especially with the silent man who never voted & never contributed, i liked him. Everyone else had such a voice or opinion but just didnt kill anyone i liked that, no guilt.
& then it happened, the guy convinced the little girl to sacrifice herself at the exact moment the timer ran out & he voted for the pregnant woman & i was like ooooh thats so clever & interesting & dark, but then again she didnt react quick enough to kill him, so that was clever & then the game keeps going & he has to kill her unborn baby… thats fucking dark & horrible, but that baby couldnt vote so he had to. It goes back to the whole do whatever to survive & having morals & if you would go against them to survive.
Its then also so interesting that he is dropped back in LA where he was picked up & most of the people who are still alive ar women & children. It proved the point of humanity, that the film was trying to justify to start with.
The aliens are never seen but at the end we see their space ships & they are made with all of $500 of a visual effect budget. I mean i get it but surely it would have just been better to just see them all looking up & not seeing it at all.
I love that no one truly famous is in this, makes it seem more real & not just oh this is this persons survival movie where they get killed off easily or they are the lone survivor at the end. It adds the suspense to it as no one is safe.
This was a mid predictable film until the last 10minutes & then damn it went for it & i appreciate that it had the bollocks to go no they are dying, it makes a better narrative. It really does. & im proud the film didnt chicken out because it really could have.
The run time is perfect too, due to the intense natures 86mins is good to really get you invested but not torture your own soul too much.
I actually thought this was okay & then i when the end happened i was sitting here going oh my fucking good. Thats how you nail a good ending independent films, have the balls to do what the mainstream cant do, & it will pay off.