This has been on my watch list for a very very long time & when i saw on Wednesday it had been added to iplayer i was like yesssssssssssssss let me watch this film. So it was perfect for this saturday night. Clive Owen trying to save the world happy happy days. Lets go.
Why did this film not get Kudos in the early 2000s? seriously why? I mean i can see probably why my parents didnt want teenage me to watch it. But fuck me that is one hell of a film & i could so see that actually happening. Its that scary especially after what weve just lived through with a pandemic.
So the whole whos a citizen whats going on with the world & refugees, that hits home, that really really does. Especially with our situation in the UK right now, leaving europe &the way our government dont actually care about us at all really or the people trying to get to the safety of our country. I mean i know this is the extreme as to whats happening but bloody hell, its insane what is actually happening in the world & peoples opinions & how others are treated. ITs not nice to see & out government needs to step up in the here & now & in the film.
The idea of no one being able to have kids anymore is such an interesting idea. That babies arent born & the fertility check & what goes on. I mean i dont have a partner or other half & am not in a financial position to have kids of my own, but i know the pressure some people feel to have kids & that kind of pressure in this film would have just been so magnified to try & help repopulate the planet. Its crazy.
I love that we see how this affects the people fighting for freedom, the people it effects & the govenments side of this too. Its good to see it from multiple perspectives & how the lead characters position on this changes across the entire film.
The opening is so sol bleak that the youngest human on earth dies & its all quiet & all bleak & then Kaboom it all explodes & kicks off. Imagine that just being your average monday… yea im not morning about an early monday wake up again.
Clive Owen should have been nominated for a lot of awards for this performance. It was stunning. He gave his all for this movie. His character arch is so what would happen. & i do understand that reluctant father figures are in right now & are so my jam, but damn it, he in 2006 he was owning it & not getting the praise for it. Clive Owen walked in this performance so Pedro Pascal could run.
what a supporting cast from Pam, Michael (who was insane) & Julianne to the unknown up & comers like Charlie Hunnan & Chiwetel Ejiofor being so evil & that kid he travels with & will do anything to protect.
I mean as a sussex person we dont hate but we have some beef with people from Kent. But bombing Bexhill… doesnt matter that its the end of the world, thats not good at all, they dont deserve that. I felt for them a bit.
When they kill of Julianne character at like the second meeting of her i was not expecting that, i was at least expecting a slight bit of flirting & reconnection between her & Clive before she got taken out by something or was betrayed. So that was a curve ball i was not expecting. & then for it all just to be a power struggle i was like that the hell.
Everyone had hope in something fall in the mid 00s to help save them all, here its a boat in the fog, which your not sure if it saves him in time or not. I mean i like that you can decide if it did or it didnt but for that whole 5 minutes as hes bleeding out on that boat & he teaches her how to be a parent for a few second i was like come the fuck on boat get to them save them all please please.
I loved Michael house, it was so cool & was so different to the way the rest of the UK was portrayed & shown, it was a secret little haven for him to spout exposition from which was needed. It was needed for the information & you always felt safe when you went back to that house in the film. It was your own little hide out from the horrors you have been watching.
ITs dialogue heavy when it needs to be but at some points no words are needed at all. Its well paced in this respect too. IT just flowed correctly & moved at a pace which was slow when you needed a moment but also kicked you in the guts & was full of action & escapes when you needed it to be.
That baby would so be used by both sides for their own power struggle, it really would. & i like that its her choice at the end of the day, her baby her body, the womans choice… as it should always be.
It is extremely powerful when the baby is heard & seen & everyone stops & helps them out before the fighting starts again. Something so pure & simple which just made everyone just go ooooohhhh this happened. That shows that all it takes is something very small & sweet to bring us all together. Why do we fight & argue, when something can be so normal & every day. It puts things in perspective.
The grey & greens that were used as the films main colours & it added to the desperate need to save the world & how bleak life was in this alternative future. It really sets the tone. I mean the fact it starts in the grey city full of people & life & things not being safe & then it ending in the calm of the fog, still grey still uncertain. It proved even though this baby could change the world, we were still all in a desperate situation.
This film deserves so much love. I mean i know dooming humanity & talking fertility isnt everyone idea of a good film, but this film deals with it so well & creates drama & panic when it needs to. It just works & how this film isnt mentioned as a modern masterpiece, baffles me beyond belief. If this isnt on your watch list, put it on there right now.