This only came out Wednesday so with all recent Sofa Viewer Reviews there will be no spoilers here… altho i wish i could…
So this is been on my radar for a little while. I’ve been really intrigued as to how this would be received & how good Ana would be & how they were going to do this. & then after Elvis was so good i was like ahh bring on Blonde on Netflix….
How wrong was i…
So lets get the good thing out the way first… Ana. She is incredible. She really is. She is the reason to watch this film, infact THE ONLY REASON TO WATCH THIS FILM! She has to deal with so much in this film that is scary what they put her through in it. She doesnt miss a beat even when the redisclose is happening. She is such a pro & for doing the impossible she deserves to be considered come the spring by everyone.
The only other reason to watch this film is for the iconic moment of the skirt, but lets be honest, as much as they get that right, your better going on to youtube & finding the original.
& thats all the good about this film. I mean Adrian was good but he was in the film so little & then fucked off that i didnt care about his character at all, other than he finally made her happy for a little while.
Now i get hat this is probably the point of this film but it just exploited all the bad things about her & that life style & the way women were treated then & how its changed since (it hasnt were still not equal). Its horrendous everything that shes put through, in fact theres even a point where she says am i being sold like a piece of meat? yes you were love. You were used & abused by everyone. & i know that was then but there are still people in hollywood & in life in general who think thats okay. & showcasing it here as being the norm was very disturbing & not enjoyable to watch.
& then we get to the Abortions & babys…. i really dont want to talk about that. That was not good viewing at all. I mean im actually kind a glad it was based on whats going on in America at the moment, but it still wasnt a nice watch. I know the film is an 18 but still, a bit more of a warning for others should be needed.
I wish the film decided on what it wanted to be. A biopic, an art house, colour, black & white, a story about fame, a story about oppression, a story about mental health. It just couldnt work out its balance at all. It just didnt even nail one of them at all to the amount that was what it became. Not event he mental health side was dealt with well. I mean i guess back then it wasnt, i mean they put her mum in a institute, but knowing what we know now about mental health it could have been shown in a better way.
& its long. Its fucking long. Like there are some films over 2h30 that fly by like Dune or the Dark Knight. But something happened & i was like ahh this is a good point to pause & got get a drink, i think ive got about 30mins left if that of the film, a time check later upon pausing it, i was half way through. What the hell. The pacing was so slow (& im loving the slow pacing of andor atm by the way) & it felt like id been going over 2h already. Act 3 went on forever it felt like & it was just like no no no. It dragged on for no reason, much like the last shoot of the film too.
So if you want to watch it in case she gets nominated, i would wait until she does before you do, because the rest of it is very slow & not very nice viewing & i didnt enjoy the rest of it at all. I didnt feel i learnt that much, & what i did learn i could have easily written a screen play about anyhow. Its done Norma & Ana a dis-service this film. Both legends, both have been dealt a bad hand with this film.