Random film time.
I saw a trailer for this last year& went Dan Stevens in period costume with The Dench bringing people back from the dead… sign me up. Its probably actually been a year since i saw the trailer so this has been a long time coming. Good old sky cinema for having the UK rights to it.
As per at the moment this has only just been released so i will do this like cinema club (i miss them so much it hurts).
unfortunately the years wait didnt help the film at all. It was mediocre at best & i spent the entire film thinking oh god are we gonna get going yet, are we going to get there & we just didnt. & then when we did it was the last 5min of the film. Urgh.
There was one part that made me laugh out loud, which my mama actually popped back into the room to see & was like ooh what good thing has happened i might stay & then it was like oh that was that.
Maybe its period dramas i dont like, okay this wasnt period period but it still was. It was set in history & just felt a little oh ahem about itself.
There was no character i actually like, maybe Emilia foxes, but i didnt like Isla or Dan or Leslie. Dench was okay but as a brit you cant say a bad word about Dench (& i did last year with cats so ive had my entitlement of bad things to say about her). Everyone was just so up themselves & too posh.
The piano playing on its own was good.
The plot just didnt go anywhere, every attempt to oust someone or talk past them by a ghost was just a little well is that it or are we going to take it to the next level in the next part. It got repetitive & then when it go going with it, it ended.
That house was very show off but wasnt entirely with the times.
Why where they shocked that there staff were at the same theatre as them to see Dench? I mean come on people other than just posh people in the boxes like to go out for a nights entertainment at the theatre.
So was it worth the wait no. Would i recommend it no. Is it good because of the Dench delight & the last 15 mins of the film the redeem it, yeh. Basically its just about an average film, but its new content which is what we all need right now. So give it a watch people, just so then we have something weve all watched thats new that we can all talk about.