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I didnt watch this when it was the craze & the internet was all over it, so i thought as an end to spooky season i should. So here i am ready to watch Bird Box & see if it really is as freaky as everyone says it is. Is it going to make me going to bed having nightmares.

Honestly considering i dont do horror, nah its not that scary i felt a little bit let down by it actually. I wanted to feel traumatized & have its memory imprinted on my mind. This is all just based on everyone else hype of the film & the initial buzz it had & it got the end & i was like what the hell is going on, thats that really. It just felt bang average.

The best person in the entire film is Tom Hollander. Hes only in the film for 15 maybe 20minutes of screen time, but in that time he manages to convince everyone to let him in, to persuade people to do stuff & then single handily kills most of the people in the safe house. What a guy. He is so creepy & he is delivering on a level that i hoped others would in this film, but they dont. Its also such an interesting character to play too.

We never really see the creatures dont we. I mean i get that this is sometimes good, but we have no idea what makes them so horrific that it makes people kill themselves. Some of the deaths are a bit ew (death by scissors is always a win) but some of the others are grim. Its just very odd indeed. I get that you cant look at them in the film, but we never even see a shadow. Our only way of seeing them it in those drawings.

Sarah Paulson lasts for all of 5minutes. Bless her.

Surely there was a better way of getting to safety than going down the river. I really dont get it. & i know i should be scared of oh what if they go overboard or if someone sees, but at no point was i ever concerned that they wouldnt make it down there.

All horror films with a house fill of survivors all get killed off one by one, its bloody typical. In any of these horror films do people not see horror films because they all fall for the tropes when they all get locked in & it becomes a ticking people off the list game for several reason.

Of course they both go into labour in the same 5minute spell. Of course that was going to happen. I knew the second that she was at the hospital pregnant that when she eventually me that person that was going to be the case. & then she just calls them girl & boy for all of what 5 years. Idiot. Im sorry i know its the end of the world & survival of the fittest & survive at all costs, but no you give those kids name, you show them some love even if your not maternal. Youve got two small people to mould into something better, dont be mean & angry with them all the time.

Also by starting the film off with them in the boat, means that the second she gets with that other guy & starts having feelings for him, means that we already know hes so dead. So when he dies, its not a shock to the system. It doesnt have the effect it should do. It would be better if she was hallucinating him in the boat until we find that plot point out.

Every end of the world film loves having a safe haven where no one is ever effected by the end of the world issue dont they. Its becoming to cliché now. I am Legend made it more of a common thing & now almost all of these films have a happy ending. We need a few more especially when its deemed scary when they dont actually find the safe land or people. It would have been a much more fitting ending to films like this.

No one ever really explains any science behind it or how people survive its just a bit like come on maybe explain how something was seen coming or how people didnt actually notice the monster thing when others next to them were looking right at it & then dying. Why would you not look? Its human nature to be curious. Wouldnt you have a peak? The writer & concept behind this is flawed not understanding human behaviour. Telling someone not to look means they will do the exact opposite.

This was bang average & just a bit to safe & samey. I didnt feel scared & felt the river was a waste of time. Id have much rather learnt more about the 5 years up to that point. I am glad ive watched this, but i recon if in 2 years time if you asked if id i have seen Bird Box id probably have to think for a few minutes before saying out loud Tom Hollander yes…

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