So my tree is now up, which in recent years means its time for the Muppet Christmas Carol to be viewed, thats what ive done the last couple of years, so ive watched that now & its already reviewed on my blog twice i think (check yep twice) so i now need something else, but i want to concentrate. So onto netflix i go…. ohh a seasons greetings sections, what do we have, i want something easy, which isnt going to take itself seriously. Ahhh how about A Christmas Prince. A Festive Rom Com & theres a whole series of them, yea this might be good for chilled easy viewing so yea lets do it.
Well if the first is the best of them all, im not gonna do the rest of them, that was very painful to watch & was just like the hell is going on & was so weird & hardly any com & it took a bloody age for the Rom to turn up too. Urgh thats the last time i trust something other than letterboxd to recommend me a film.
So despite the fact the McGuffin was actually being made king, i worked out the secondary McGuffin the moment it turned up. The Acorn. Why were they spending so much time regarding this acorn & its importance to be the new decoration on the tree. I just knew the second they went ahh there must be proof it was in the acorn especially after that random riddle bit, it was bloody obvious. I mean yes i am a film fan who hunts for McGuffins but that was so obvious.
They only had chemistry once the wolves tried to attack her in the forest (beauty & the beasts lawyers will be on the phone, the house of mouse will be angry) & then it only really got going once we had the traditional make over before a ball, which was always where shit was gonna go down & it was all going to be revealed.
So that cousin & his ex were just pure evil & up their arses, im glad they get their comeuppance at the end & are exposed, but it would of been more of an oh god moment at the ball reveal if we hadnt seen them ransack her room to find all the evidence as to who she was. Would have been more shocking that someone would stoop that low.
How did noone in the palace ask her for her papers or her passport when she was posing as a tutor. I mean seriously, you know its the bloody royal family & they all just went okay yea shes the tutor thats fine, but yoru here early. The only person who worked it out was Emily. YEs name sake good on you.
Emily so should have been queen by the way. She was the most consistent character in the film & the rightful air to the throne. I bloody loved her & not just because she shares my name.
Her friends on zoom (before zoom was popular {what was zoom again? its been a while}) started off not being helpful & then were too helpful. I mean i know all films like this need these friends to play devils advocate on both sides, to be overly positive & negative, but bit more coherency would have been good. & then when she quits they are all just like yay go girl. & are all journalist jobs in films in the mid teenies evil? It feels like it.
The race to get to the court with the paper work didnt need that level of drama.
Too many piano shots in this film where hes just brushing his hands over the keys but not actually playing.
I wasnt expecting him to be adopted until it got to him playing at the orphanage & i was then like ahh theres more to this that there should be so when it was revealed i was like ahh that makes sense as to why the royal family always care for them as one of their own is from there.
Archery but of course. Cookie baking is fine tho.
How did he know where to find her for new years, she never really explained to him where she was from did she. She was always pretending to be someone else to get a story. But yet he still found her in the snow on new years eve & despite the fact shes lied to him for the last week, hes still willing to propose to her & have her be his queen. Okay yes i get the happy ever after ending on new years, you know new year new me shit, but still. Were back to Elsa going you cant marry someone you just met scenario.
What happened to the actual tutor?
Also its a discount Genovia? Definitely. Princess Diarys lawyers will also be on the phone.
They have like 2 christmas trees in the house, but a fuck ton of lights outside. & then the ball room just randomly is the most decorated room ever, okay yes its a show piece but if your gong ott with the outside & that room do it with the rest of the palace too please not just like 2 more trees & thats it.
kudos to the government to turn up on christmas day to coronate the new king, im not sure Boris would do that if im honest.
Well it was corny & Christmassy, but its nothing to write home about if im honest. It was too much picture perfect for me. I can see how some people love it & watch it & go awwwww but nah it was too sugar coated for me. im not sure im going to watch the next 2 might be cheese overload.