This should say “Sound of Metal” but its not available yet in the UK darn it (i know im now posting this later & it now is). Instead its saying this so i can watch queen Eddie do her thing. Yeah my Easter sunday plans havent quite gone to plan but as im at my parents for a roast & for football lets also watch a film & eat all the mini eggs.
This is going to be more like a cinema club review people so wont go into to much detail on the plot & spoilers if you get me.
This is the first film i have seen with Eddie Izzard as a she, which i am so happy that she is finally comfortable with that. When i used to work in Brighton i would quite often see her running when i was getting into work every now & then, the first time you kinda stopped & went oh my god its Eddie Izzard & you tell everyone you knew that youd just seen her. The last time i saw her was December 2019 & she ran past & i said morning & she replied & thanked me for moving out of her way & you didnt even think about that it was her that you had seen, it was just another runner, who just happened to be her. I’ve completely gone off tangent from my point here sorry it just came into my head that i now dont work in Brighton & wont see her run again. Anyhow yea this was the first time she had been credited & it felt a little odd at the start being like oh okay then. & then her Character was so male in the film & was referred to as him, Mr & Master throughout, that did take a bit of getting used to but after about 30mins as she was playing the part it felt okay. She does nail her performance by the way too.
You can never say a bad thing about Dench or Broadbent so i wont, both really good in their roles in the film.
I do love a film that is filmed down here, theres something nice about seeing a Stoney beach or a dodgy pier & just thinking ah yes thats Sussex brilliant. Its always just makes a film more homely (except in bloodshot if youve seen it you will know what i mean). But you know any film where you know its filmed near you or its set in somewhere youve been just feels more friendly & welcoming.
The story about it being about the Germans high commands daughters was interesting but we didnt actually really learn enough about the girls to care, including the one they singled out to be the weak one whod have the arch in the story. I wasnt bothered when we got to the end if it was going to work or not.
I know its 1930s & its not going to be like mission impossible or Bourne films but even for that time period it wasnt that strong of a spy piece for a period drama.
Phone boxes whoop not enough of them in films where you then run out of cash to put in them. Mobile phones have got rid of these now. The high stakes of not being able to call someone straight away & checking you have the correct change.
When i saw a trailer for this in the cinema back in early 2020 i was like oooh wow this looks special. now ive seen it, its average & isnt as good as i hoped it would be. Still its new content & its worth a watch if youve got a couple of hours spare. IT made a change to watching older films to watch one made recently, cant argue with that. Maybe a big screen at the cinema would have made it more dramatic.
I mean it says a lot when ive talked more about seeing Eddie running that i have the actual film…