Film quiz special
We will one day win the quiz, all the while we arent though this is what we are learning & we are watching some classics & some not so classic films… basically what my blog was built for. This month is When Harry Met Sally which turns out none of us have actually watched before… so this will be interesting. It really will.
Synopsis Harry needs a lift from Uni to new york so his girlfriends best mate Sally who is also going agrees to give him a lift. On the journey they agree that men & women can never actually be friends as the sex bit always gets in the way. Over the coming years they bump into each other & to try & prove this right, while both failing in their own relationships before eventually agreeing to become friends. After they try to set up their friends on blind dates with each other their 2 friends start to have a relationship. Sally then calls Harry to say she is heart broken to learn her ex is now getting married & the two of them have sex to comfort each other. They then start being awkward to each other, & say that the sex has ruined their friendship. It all comes to ahead at a new years eve party when Sally is trying to be set up with people & would rather be alone, & Harry is home alone but decides to tell Sally his feelings. They meet cute at midnight at the party & confess all to each other. The film is dotted with real life couples talking about married life, & ends with Harry & Sally who are now married discussing theirs.
I can see how this has lasted the test of time & still applies to the modern world, but there are some bits that are so cringe that you just sit there going nah not even today would that be deemed acceptable.
The obvious iconic scene in the diner is epic, with the ultimate line of ill have what shes having. IT is iconic & it has lasted the test of time & it is just brilliant. The fact that he just has to sit there through it.
As a group of girls we all agreed that Harry wasnt attractive at all & was a bit of a sex pest & Sally is far too needy in her life she really is. How anyone could put up with either of them including their friends really baffles me. But yea Harry we would run for the fucking hills from.
The best bi of the film is the actual real life couples in it. Its real heart & soul & real love, not fake not put on they are honest & pure. IT also connects a really disjointed film. The time jumps are quite big at places & you do kind of go hang on what year am i in.
Its a little too 80s for me im sorry i know there will be someone in 10 years time blogging about notting hill being too 90s but it is to 80s im sorry.
I think if i didnt have to write so many notes i would have enjoyed the film more of if i was having a second or third viewing of it, but we needed to take info in for the quiz too. My jury is still out i will have to watch this again to fully appreciate it.