Its Awards Time YAY!!!!!!
2016 has been full of epic & not so epic films, and its time to recognize these right here right now. there are lots of different categories for cinema, dvd’s actors, trailers & randoms. But based on you reading this you know that is whats going to happen. We have 25 awards to hand out (YES 25 i know a full 12 more than last year) so lets get to it & start of with what is always ( well it kinda was last year & it was the first time i handed awards out ) our first award on Boxing Day 2016..
The film i got Free stuff, goodies or won a competition with… Top Cat Begins.
Although i gave the free stuff to my dad, i got an activity map which as he always used to like Top Cat, i gave to him for fathers day. I would have a picture of it but i do believe he threw it away.
How did i do at predicting getting right 2016… Okayish
I still have 2 films i would like to see before 2016 is over, but looking at what i put last year i did well, Out of the 3 films i missed i’ve seen one & own another the one i saw was up for DVD film of the year, which we will get to later on. Bourne 5 (now Jason Bourne) was brilliant & Grimsby was hysterical. I saw 19 films on my film watchlist with still one to go. So yeah im going to say i did good, lets give myself an award for doing pretty darn good.

The next award was previously the Swan Performance Award, but is now called something different so the winner of the Animal Performance of the year, supported by the Swan from Hot Fuzz is… Bob from A Street Cat Named Bob.
Everyone loves Bob surely, yes i know he was played by a feew cats, but one of them was the real Bob, and what a proper cat he was, i spent alot of time being worried for that cats well being. I really did. He was so cute.
Now for an award no one wants, The Worst film i have watched on DVD this year is… Thunderball
honestly dont bother. I love Bond films but this was just a bit bland & dull. So much so that i kinda forgot i watched it, which isnt a good thing. Sorry Bond, its a good thing you get better.
Now its time for a new quite big award, in honor of someone who finally won something. The DiCaprio award for Good Acting & Hard Work goes to… Eddie Redmayne

As much as i am happy Leo won an Oscar at last, Eddie was robbed, he really was. The Danish Girl was amazing & his Newt in Beasts was amazing. This man is classy & lovely & is a better looking woman than me. I love him & i think he deserves his recognition for his year. Hes done nothing wrong at all & we should all be shouting his name.
Best Film Genre of the year goes to… Real Life Stories
Every time i came out of the cinema this year & wanted to award my film of the year award golden buzzer, was for the 4 films that were based on real life events (except one). But these were all fantastic. Even the films that were fictional but looked into like a real life example of what does happen were simply breath taking. Well done for portraying things well Hollywood, your getting something right.
Animation film of the year goes to… well theres not a drum roll needed we all know what this is its Finding Dory.

God it was good, i saw a lot of summer films that were sequels & part of franchises but this one just stuck. Maybe its because it was with friends & it had been a long time coming but it just hit home & made me feel special, like i was a kid again. & by doing that disney havent lost the magic, as they spoke to me as an adult as well as my inner child.
Now it is time for the award you dont want to pick up at all ever, The Worst Film of the Year I Watched at the Cinema Award. There were 5 possible winners to this award, 3 didnt come close, and 1 missed out based on the fact that i probably didnt know enough going into it so was probably my fault so the winner won by a long way. Alice Through the Looking Glass
I’ve just re read my cinema club review of it & i was too kind to it i think back then, but i still wanted more even when i was nice & reviewing it straight away. Now im looking back at it, im sitting here thinking yea that was a load of shit. Worst film by a long way in the cinema, to predictable not dark not twisted just didnt hit any spots it promised to deliver at all.

The Film I didnt get to see in the cinema in 2016 has a couple of runners for Central Intelligence, Demolition, Pop-star Never Stop Never Stopping,Swiss Army Man, but in the end it goes to Now You See Me 2.
Mainly due to it being in the cinema the week of the euros final the week i was on holiday the week i came back & had job interviews so when it was my first opportunity to see it, it wasnt on, yes after 2 & a half weeks they stopped showing it what?!?! also noone has got me it for Christmas… (i know) so iv got to go buy it now. Was so looking forward to seeing it once everything was sorted out hen i was back but no no no.

The Film I need to see in 2017 if you read the awards last year, you can guess quite well… Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2.
I AM GROOT!!! I AM BABY GROOT!!! Do i need to say anymore, its going to be epic.
Best Quote from a Film in 2016 is from Sully when asked if there was anything they regretted about there landing the plane into the Hudson River, they replied with yes, not doing it in July.
The perfect answer & the most amazing way to end a film. a quick shout out to secret life of pets though for the RIP Ricky sections they did, loved them.
Best Song or Sound Track for Film well i did the review in the form of the song so its… CANT STOP THE FEELING by JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE for the film Trolls
Its my second favorite song of the entire year in all music, so it kinda shit on the ret of them yes there were some other okay ones but if this can make my mum dance up & down the kitchen this has to win.
Tears that fell when you expected them too, is a shared award between Finding Dory & Me Before You.
Dory I actually had to pass these among my friends & we all had to take our classes off to wipe our eyes. Me Before You i knew i was going to cry but could i find my tissues when i got to the cinema… nope bad error on my part.
This can bring us to the award for Tears that feel when you didnt expect them too, not shared this goes to The Danish Girl.
Not the end bit i expected that to make me well up but the bit when they are in the restraunt talking to the last doctor & she say she supports him & will do what ever as she loves her husband no matter who he or she is. Im welling up typing about it. Its the perfect moment of cinema. It really is. PERFECT. Just watch the film for this one moment.
Were going to follow this tangent & now award Best Actress to…Alicia Vikander.
Shes had a fantastic year & everything i have seen her in has been slick & mesmerizing. She is the future with Jennifer Lawrence for Acting & im very proud to have these to represent women the way they do.
As night follows day the Best Actor award goes to… Jake Gyllenhaal.
More will be types about this further on, but oh man this man is becoming a grate, he wil lbe the next why doesnt he have an oscar campaign, if he doesnt get one soon. Just amazing in what he does. Every Single Time!

The Film That Didnt Live Up To The Hype Award also has 2 winners
Winner Number 1 is Allied because it didnt actually give me in the cinema what the trailer showed me. It left me disappointed & also with the Brad & Ange thing going on it just lost credibility.
Winner Number 2 is Suicide Squad because it looked like there was going to be lots of the Joker when there wasnt, we had a shit CGI god, some acting was really bad, & it all felt a bit un-jointed really, it also ruined the batman superman film for me. At least i now dont need to see it tho. Seeing Margo Robbie beat the crap out of people was the highlight.
2016 Film Trailer award has 4 honorable mentions for Passengers, Allied, Rogue One & Girl On A Train, but its not the Finding Dory one where they take the piss out of Jason Bourne. I love Jason Bourne & the film was amazing but oh my god that trailer was something special. & right now i cant find it on youtube which is pissing me off.
2017 Film Trailer award doesnt go to Guardians (i know shhh dont tell them that) It does to Dunkirk.
Come on Christopher Nolan this is the one where you finally do it & break everything & win at life i know you can do it & this looks epic.
& with that we have 5 awards left mainly because this next award isnt going to be handed out every year i hope (if it does it means 2016 was just the star)
Its the Life Time Achievement Award awarded to someone who has passed this year, who had a great effect on my movie viewing life, & it can & will only go to one man… after all this time… Always.
Alan Rickman

From the age of 8 i have watched him, when my parents allowed me to see Die Hard. He is the man, he is the voice & he was the perfect hero villain anti hero & cheeky git. I will miss him & i will always cry when i watch the Deathly Hallows part 2. Always. Going to miss you Alan i really will.
So the five awards everyone wants to win culminating in the big one lets do this…
The I Stole The Show Award goes to…
2 winners although they cant really share it

The First Winner is Gerald The Seal from Finding Dory. He is my spirit animal he is i love him & he did eventually get his goal of sitting on that rock, he owned it.

The Second Winner is Colin Farrell. As brits we tend to say yea we do all righ were good i guess, we need to celebrate Colin Farrell & exactly how good an actor he is. He is phenomenal he is charismatic & i believe this man is what he says he is. He needs recognition & more parts & we need to be proud of him. weather it be for a tv interview, a dvd or cinema film he has delivered this year, hence he has stole the show.
The Unsung Super Hero / Hero Award goes to…

Arron Paul for Eye in the Sky
He had the guts to tell Helen Mirron to fuck off & no he hasnt going to kill this girl. Yes okay it was his job but for that 5 mins Arron Paul was my hero, better than any avenger or girl with a baseball bat, and i cant give it to Tom Hanks for Sully, as that would have to go to Sully. Arron you deserve this for that 20 seconds of doubt & the fact it effected your character & the whole film as such.

The Best Film I Have Watched on DVD this Year Award goes to…
Night Crawler
Spooky chilling & mesmerizing, everyone needs to see this film on DVD its epic.

The Best Film I Have Watched in the Cinema this Year Award goes to…
Nocturnal Animals
As you cant recommend this film to people it hasn’t won the film of the year award, but this is the film i felt most involved with, it was brilliant
And Finally… the one you all want to win be it a sofa viewing movie night DVD or cinema club film it doesn’t matter if i watched the film this year you are up for this award. This film was decided on before best dvd & cinema film, so they are actually the runners up in this respect, but won the category’s individually,
EDDIE THE EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(cue fan fare)
It had to be it just had to be the fact i still talk about this film now makes it film of the year, even from back in April. I laughed, I sang, I cried, I smiled, I loved. It is perfect. It really was the happiest film of the year.
So thats it the Popcorn for One Film Review Awards 2016, thanks for reading and i look forward to speaking to you all in 2017