My lovely film peoples of the internet how are we all… no seriously are you all okay… thats a genuine questions, i do really care for every single one of you.
2020 was meant to be our year wasnt it, we were all going to go and be Gatsby & be epic & stunning & just celebrate from one 30th birthday party to another… yeah that didnt happen. Bloody good thing that my friend had her huge birthday party 9 days before lockdown part one. The last time i saw the majority of my friends in person. So yeah its been tough hasnt it. I know that ive not had it as bad as some, were all okay here (touch wood) but you know sometimes you just want to sit in the bottom of the shower & cry, & i really do just want to hug my sister every now & then. Urgh Urgh Urgh! Covid you are evil.
Right will try to cheer you up now with my yearly news letter, which guess what will be shorter this year, but theres still been random stuff happening throughout this strange year.
So in the middle of a pandemic, & learning how to pronounce, set up & teach furlough to all my colleagues, i resigned from my job. Yeah that happened, it was time for a change. I am now no longer working in central Brighton for the first time since 2013, & i am now in Shoreham. I love my job, everyone i see (which isnt many people right now) say i am so much more chilled & happier now & i really am. & hopefully this will then lead onto much bigger & brighter things for me, which i dont want to tempt fate with anymore than that… when it happens you will all be informed.
We did get to see some football this year peoples, the last game we actually went to was the Palace game on Feb 29th, fun. I mean maybe the decade went weve seen that epic goal vs chelsea we dont need anything else good this year. Its a shame really, on our way to the palace game we said this current season would be our last as season ticket holders and weve not had any games for it yet. Oh well it was good while it lasted.
We went to Cornwall for a mini break to look at different 4 walls courtesy of our friends down there & their cottages, that was fun. Lots of memories & mucking about & just going ahhhh, very nostalgic & reflective. Lovely part of the world, shame its 5 hours away.
I have been seeing my friends via zoom. We have stopped doing quizes though (the fact ive won 15 & a half out of the 29 we did, is saying a lot). We also have had pamper nights, film nights & craft nights on zoom too, its just nice to see their faces once a week so we can all moan together. As a family we have also taken part in online quiz nights courtesy of Jump entertainment (Hi James), which we have come ever so close to winning but just missed out a few times, won some money though.
I got my second tattoo. No not 19 crowns for the premier league trophy like all my friends said (cant believe it finally happened & we cant go out to celebrate it) but no. I now have the spinning top from inception just above my left ankle, i adore it sooo sooo soooooooo much. Its stunning. Its even more epic now i have actually seen the film on the big screen which i did in July and for my birthday my parents actually brought me my own spinning top.
Grandma is doing okay, shes 88 now. Good on her. Shes now much more back to her old self which is brilliant, but also sad at the same time, just wish Grandpa was here to see her looking so well & happy.
So the real reason for this post is to tell you that again this year, i’m not sending out Christmas cards. I haven’t sent Christmas Cards for about the last 12 years now, mainly because its quite expensive, especially with postage, we’re all online & i try to see most people to wish them a Merry Christmas as well & if i cant i usually text or call them.(disclaimer yes this has been entirely copied & pasted this next paragraph from last year except for the year, so well done for noticing yay next paragraph isn’t though{& i always love the fact i can get away with that}) .
I kinda have to keep that paragraph the same every year, youd all miss it otherwise. Sorry i wont be seeing all my bubbles this christmas, next year we will celebrate double.
People are struggling right now being furloughed & not having much money & struggling to make ends meet. Therefore the two charity’s i am donating to this year for my Christmas card money are as follows.
Marcus Rashford is a legend an absolute legend. What he has done for the country & kids is so inspirational. Therefore in his honour & the fact that noone should pay £15 to watch ppv premier league football i have donated to the brighton food bank http://www.brightonfoodbank.org.uk/how-can-you-help/ .This is also the charity We Are Brighton are supporting too.
This year my sister was supposed to run the Brighton marathon, like most things in 2020 this got called off & cancelled. My sister had done so much to keep her school going and be covid safe & being a key worker & train technically for 2 marathons at different times of the year only to be told its not gonna happen. I did originally donate to her Marathon page when it was up obviously, however as i cant give her a hug & tell her its all gonna be okay, i will be also donating to blood wise, the charity she was running for which is close to her heart as it effects one of her very closest colleague & friend https://secure.bloodcancer.org.uk/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=5&block-amount=5&block-donation_total=5&campaign-id=123
& thats me done people. Thank you for tearing yourself away from tiger king & Borat to read my festive christmas blog. Usually id say have a read through the films ive seen this year, but with only 35 at the moment options to pick from it doesnt sound that enticing does it, but you know, you might know the answer to whos on the phone to him in Tenet??? anyone anyone???
I know i always say i hope you all have a lovely christmas & wish you all the best for the new year, but i really really do mean it people. When were all out of this & we can hug people & actually be near them again, none of you are safe. You are all going to get the biggest hugs in the world, which i may never let you go from. Stay safe my lovelies.
I’m gonna leave you with this moment from a film i saw at the start of the year A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood (Spoilers). Tom Hanks Character Mr Rogers asks Lloyd to take a minute out of his day and to sit there & just think about his life, those he loves & those he has lost… the film then pauses for one minute as everything stops which forces you to do the same as the character… just do that right now….
sorry for making you all cry at that but thats what happens when you watch the film. Be thankful for what you have & just pause for a second this christmas & even if you cant physically be with everyone you normally would, just remember that they are thinking of you & cant wait to be with you too.
Love & Hugs as always
Laters People
Thanks for the kind wishes and been so thoughtful.
Lovely to read your news Emily. Stay safe and let’s hope 2021 opens up a whole new chapter. Happy Christmas and lots of love, Sue xx