The second greatest sci-fi film of all time… do i stop my review here with a line like that.
We have all seen this film, we all know what goes down, so i think this isn’t going to be a review of sorts, its going to be more a what my reaction would have been if i had been around at the time when this came out. So obviously if you’ve still not seen this apologies for ruining one of the biggest Fuck This Your Joking Me moments in cinema history, which is where i a starting from.
No I Am Your Father…Possibly the 5 most iconic words of all time in all cinema. It changes the world & plot twist & just the dynamics of all films. Imagine going to see this before your friends hearing that line & then not telling them so they had to go & see it. No internet spoilers, no twitter, a review that would come out in 3 weeks time, which would be so informative. People just wouldn’t know, unlike today. Im glad now that big films like Star Wars & Marvel try to have a no spoiler policy & that people actively try to avoid them. But what a moment to try to not tell anyone to avoid ruining the film for them.
Its a good moment too, as it the ultimate conflict moment, hes just chopped his sons arm off, hes threatening him to join the dark side or perish, so then he finds out he has a dad, and decides that instead of joining him & the emperor to commit suicide?!?!?!?!?! Yea that makes sense. But what an iconic 3 minutes this is for cinema, just brilliant.
The we have the next 5 iconic words in cinema. I Love You, I Know… WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH thank god Harrison Ford went off script, it so works. It really is the moment when you think oh god hes not getting out of this is he, and he is actually going to die, but they really do love each other. Forget any romcom, this is the ultimate romantic moment in film. Noone can deny it, it just is.
All of the cool moments do leave questions, such as if Darth didnt know until speaking to the emperor that he had a son, he wouldnt have wanted his son to have his light-saber would he? Maybe he wanted it to go to his daughter.
Which is a point how come Leia never had visions of the divine if she was a Jedi, and we never really see her awakening of the force, she suddenly goes all Dynamo on us & can start talking to Luke. Why did Kanobi & Yoda not tell Luke he had a sister ever… why!
Boba Fett is an epic villain i love him hes so cool he is the most underrated star wars character, yes hes not in it all for long, but he is just the best. When i grown up i want to be a bounty hunter just like him.
There are weird creatures living in asteroids, cool thats amazing.
One of my favourite moments of this film, is when they keep failing the hyper drive & then right at the end they escape thanks to R2D2 with Darth looking at the empty sky, & he just stomps off. There is an extra on the side of the wall, who just looks at him like, oh fuck hes pissed. One ever so small side glance, but oh my good, i love that extra he should win an oscar for that look, its so cool.
Why have we not in modern culture built a city in the clouds yet, is it not doable? yes there are observation towers that go up, like my citys i360 but when are we going to be able to live like that. That being said id just like a house if im honest.
The puppet Yoda is cool, its kinda nice that there wasnt the technology at this time to make him all kick arse Yoda, as then if you watch Star Wars in the incorrect order, he does look older & a bit dated, when we get to this point. Im glad even on modern edits they havent replaced him.
Also noone from the past recognises or recalls R2D2 at all in any of these films unless everyone minds are wiped surely one person would remember him.
Despite my critiques (and i only do it because i love it too much) this is the second greatest Sci-Fi film of all time in my opinion & is the greatest Star Wars film of them all. It can only be beaten by Moon, which is my 5th favourite film ever, which probably put this about 8th in my top 10. I love this film & will always catch at-least 10 minutes of it when its on sky cinema.
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