0 7 mins 6 yrs


We’ve go to Fight! Fight! Fight for this love… and the rest is history especially Teabagging a swan.

British TV shows especially comedy always end up on the big screen for there farewell show, and it was the right way for bad education to bow out. & boy what a way to do it. I cry with laughter & tears roll down my face filled with giggles. This is one of those films where you just laugh throughout.

My parents had been putting off watching this until they were ready to laugh throughout, and finally the day arrived. They didnt regret it.

I love Jack Whitehall. Hes always been one of my favourite comedians. My sister and i went to see him years ago at our citys comedy festival when he was nothing for £12.00 all of my friends went who. I’ve just recently purchased tickets to see him again for my bestie which now cost £35 at the same venue. yep thats how good hes become, and it wasnt for the original date either that had sold out. So i’ve always thought he was funny but this just proves he can do it in an epic big screen way.

His Alfie Wickers is everyone’s favourite teacher, who is horrendous & i think thats what makes this believable. Not that the kids are all like 20 & he only teaches one group of GCSE kids either, everyone has a slightly mad teacher from there past who they appreciated, and who wanted them to do well back. Mine actually ended up becoming a stand up comedian ( i shit you not thats true honest).

Yes like the inbetweeners the kids arent all teenagers anymore in fact some have very successful careers now , but you put this little group together & you believe it in a second. It works & the way they are written is brilliant. You just believe it.

Casting Matthew Horne & Harry Enfield were master strokes originally but not it just makes it even the more wackier that they ended up in the film too. I do love that the head has ran out of money as he invested it in art for the school, which ended up being made by Rolf Harris… awks but hysterical.

The films premises is Alfies Class K are leaving school, they’ve all done there GCSE’s & Alfie wants to take them all on one final trip. Instead of going to Vegas though they go to Cornwall. The parents however send one of the mums on the trip to keep an eye on them & make sure Alfie doesn’t fuck up there children’s lives (its too late for that). While there tho the CLA are planning on having Cornish independence which Alfie & his kids end up getting involved with & have a huge battle.

The ET bit at the start is a perfect way to begin this film, especially if you are someone who has no idea about the background. Not only so we have the disabled kid being used to get into a museum, but we have bad drugs random pandas & a police chase on a bike ending up as ET flying then crashing into the river. If thats not the film youve signed up for stop reading now.

So glad class wars made it into the film omg yes they are mad but they do actually learn stuff in class wars which is brilliant. That poor hamster though oh bless him as he flew out my mum screamed oh fuck no not there. Im not going to ruin you life by telling you what happened, you will all just have to watch it to find out. I know you can get through it unlike Alfies Class K forever Tattoo which he only get 3 letters through, hence the CLA alliance.

I want to go on the eden project zip wire ( but with my clothes on tho) someone, if it wasnt jack whitehall, did have to actually do that in the middle of January when they filmed it. Good on them.

The fact the pub has no ladies bathroom & its just painted on the door. But that stabbing game was going so well & then he stabbed Joe, oh god & the fall out for fuck sake, problem is we all know that would so be what the fall out would be in our local pub too. It is bad the Joes mum doesnt help & just records it & puts it on mums net.

It is funny that she ends up in the trunk & has to come back in the back of the truck like an asylum seeker. & then the mums net on that boat. Also why does she track her some with a micro chip dafux love!!!???

The Christmas songs in july yes yes yes that such a british thing but its so true it really is, i know that Scott Mills plays slade in july as people who take his podcasts all over the world usually get up to that one on december 1st.

Tea bagging a swan… & not just any swan the swan from hot fuzz, who has been in more films than Jack Whitehall, is brilliant. His friends really are mean though they deserve to have there house blown up. I do hope Greg James got out though i love that man.

The siege on the castle, when they get all of the wrong weapons & have sex toys instead. But it proves a point that class wars did actually help. & of course the fight for this love speech it brilliant.

I do like the fact that at the end they all really do appreciate each other to escape & team up.The kid in the wheel chair stuck in the sand is funny but sweet, that no man should be left behind.

We always knew he was going to be saved by helicopter & that he was going to have no trousers on again didnt we.

That poor German teacher & his group bless them.

ITs a hilarious film my review probably hasnt done it justice theres just to many funny bits to list out. Go buy it people. It doesnt matter that you didnt see the tv show it stands on its own as well.

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