Happy Groundhog day, should have really watched this on February 2nd oh well,maybe next year. Watch the brilliant Comedy, which sees Bill Murray relive the same day each day for the rest of his life.
The Groundhog has come out of the ground to tell everyone there is going to be an extra 6 weeks of winter, no early spring, and the blizzard Bill Murray said would miss their state hits stranding them. Only problem is after he then stays another night, he wakes up the next day & does the whole thing all over again, and again and again.
Happy Groundhog day, So after first not realising that this is happening Bill Murray try to learn new skills, improve himself, help people & more importantly learn about his new TV producer whom he wants nothing to do with, infact he wants to leave. After a while though he even tries to kill himself on multiple occasions only to then wake up again the next day.
One of the nicest bits of the film is when theres an old homeless guy in the street, he takes him to the hospital to get him some help, the old man unfortunately dies, sue to being old & cold. So for the next few days he looks after him, giving him a bed taking him out for dinner, but no matter what he does to save him he always dies that evening, proving that somethings are supposed to be.
Happy Groundhog day, how many times does he go on that evening date with his producer. Like 500??? Just to learn what her type of man is, so he can then take the time to learn this. & how many times did she slap him? maybe know ing that somethings like the kid falling out of the tree & the ladies with the puncture are supposed to happen, he should have worked out that after all of these attempts maybe they just arent meant to be.
Also how many times during his life on February 2nd, did he actually tell her whats going on?surely telling her that everyday must be heart breaking too. that no matter how many times he tells her that he is stuck there he knows theres a large chance that he will probably have to tell her again tomorrow.
Why is it only him that gets stuck? Seriously Why? thats never explained?
Getting arrested by the police, after going down the train track, being thrown in Jail & then waking up with no police no fine & in your bed lets be honest we all want to do that dont we if we could get away with it.
I like the fact he learns to ice sculpt & play the piano, always claiming its his first lesson. But you would though wouldnt you, you would learn these new skills if you knew you only had one day which lasted forever.
Happy Groundhog day, the fact that she expects him to disappear at midnight when he does finally get her back to his room is quite funny, like it Cinderella.
Learning everyone’s name & helping them out is a really noble thing to do, but i would do what he did in the diner i would just eat all those cakes knowing i am not going to put on any weight the following day.
When he does finally escape his Groundhog day, it really is a shock even to the view, as his producer is in bed with him & turns off Sunny & Cher. & then after living the same day there for years, he decides they should move there & live happily ever after… cop out of an ending people no i dont want that. Also she would then work out what an idiotic person he was. & finally would he live February the 3rd for ever & then the 4th etc
Its a funny film and my review doesnt do it justice, just go get it from your bargain DVD bit in HMV people you wont be disappointed.
Happy Groundhog DAY!