Time for more 007 action, ans the one which makes him iconic. Goldfinger, has the lines the gadgets the bad name & the car & by god it makes Bond become more than just a spy.
Yep this is the iconic, do you expect me to talk… no Mr. Bond… I expect you to die moment, which everyone now quotes in almost every spy film ever) to some extent.
The girl getting covered in paint & allowed to suffocate, as she was painted in gold. Not a nice way to go but scientist have now proved it wouldnt have killed her. She would have been badly burnt & would have have trouble hydrating but for the amount of time Bond was out she would have survived.
Goldfinger really was a bad cheat wasnt he. that poor man with his cards.
The there’s Q branch & the car. The Aston Martin DB5 with ejector seat, & guns & SatNav & tracker & changing number plates. Its the car, the ultimate vehicle & its just perfect. & this is what takes Bond from just being another spy to being the spy. Im getting goosebumps thinking about it.
Bond girls become much more disposable in this film, 2 die, we have Pussy Galore who at no point ever shows any liking for bond & then in the space of 2mins does a full 180 & falls for him, seriously. What kinda name is that sorry but its stupid. Did people really snigger at that years ago.
Theres also her flying circus, who seem pointless & are just ridiculous. what a stupid way to disperse a chemical. Also did they know they were going to be an accessory to the crime of the gold heist.
Also why did the army when the canisters were swapped just not be there that day if they had a tip off from the FBI surely they new what was up & could stop them before they got there. This is the only issue with films all films dont make the problem happen try & stop it.
Odd jobs electrocution is quite funny but he wouldnt have died.
Its nice that the bomb stops on 007, but we all knew that was coming seriously people you must have worked that out.
The man who gets crushed in the car. Ouch not a nice way to go, but good for radio tracking device to still be working.
Why did no one check that plane before it flew off for bad guys unless they too were paid off to kill Bond. Does this also mean the president is in on it?
Goldfinger is the ultimate iconic Bond film which sets up the next 21 films & still goes back to it today. Its starting to look dated & with a few plot holes, but imagine seeing it in its hayday in the cinema. God you must have come out buzzing.