SPOILER ALERT…like serious spoilers
The film that makes marvel credible, originally billed as the avengers in spa e by some critics this film has gone on to become the best film in the mcu despite no iron man or Thor appearances.
This film was so popular at the box office that I could actually get tickets to see it. One week the people in front of me in the cue got the last 2 tickets. I was not a happy bunny.
So with the DVD costing like £15 for months I ended up watching it for the first time on sky movies about a month ago, after avoiding all spoilers about it for about a year. The only think I properly knew was I am groot & that was it.
5 misfits that shouldnt go together & start off wanting each other dead, to then end up as a family isn’t exactly a new concept, however the fact there’s a human(ish) a green alien, a quirky raccoon, a tree & the blue wwe champion, makes it more interesting. Humans you know there are struggles we all go through, in space however everything is expanded due to scientific experiments, mad villains destroying planets & child abduction for other planets. Along with the characters back story’s by the end of the film you are the 6th member of the family.
I know she took the part, but I do wish Zoe Saldana would stop being in each different sci fi space film or franchise. If she turns up in star wars later this year I may kick off. Her performance is good but maybe someone else would like a go at a role like this. Everyone else is perfectly cast.
The return of the collector was so cool. When he appeared when I first watched the film I did go oh yes, knowing this is what links it to the rest of the films.My dad look confused to I did have to explain this too him. Thanos has also been in another after credit scene previously, however during the dark world we were told the collector wanted the 6 items, which we now know are the Infinity Stones. So wev now seen the teseract, the eiather (don’t know if that’s the correct spelling) the one in Lokis stick that controls the mind & this purple destruction one. Which begs the question… Who’s got the final 2? I’m sure phase 3 will inform us, if not the Infinity wars will.
This also then will probably lead to the destruction of Nova as the stone is in their vault, I some how don’t see them getting out of it alive.
How did star Lord keep his walkman going, where would he find the A’s batterys in space & also he has had 1 tape for 26 years, until he opens his new 1 at the end of the film. Therefore that ribbon on the tape would be well round & used, leaving poor sound quality. No footloseing to be had.
Ronan had a good plan but he changes his mind as to which person as to send to retrieve the stone, let’s say he doesn’t does Karen Gillian join the guardians, will she have a change of heart.
Phase 2 of marvel I learnt the other week all have 1 thing in common. At least 1 person loses there hand or arm in each film. (looking forward to how they do this in AntMan later this year). This is in honour to Luke Skywalker in star wars. From my count I have groot loosing both of his after being beaten up by gamor, also someone else chops there own arm off but right now I can’t remember who this is right now.
Rocket has some of the best one liners in marvel history. Bradley Coopers delivery is amazing. The best line he says is I’m going to give you to the count of 5 to give them up… 5 4 etc
Groot does steel the show though as despite being a mutant tree thug thing, he always see beauty in the dark & grim. The flower he gives to the begger girl in nowhere, the fact that he saves drax the destroyer from the yellow pool despite him costing them lots, the lights he produces from his leaves, the fact that having 12% is better than 11% & his sacrifice for the team to protect them from impact of the ship crashing (so how did Ronan survive the crash) & his sapling dancing & awakening at the end.
Pure perfection and an amazing film. Congratulations Marvel. A surprise hit. Yes it’s still part of the mcu franchise, but if your not a iron man etc fan this is a good way to watch a super hero film. Back storys are given to you, there isn’t much reference to what has been previous.
Maybe I’m getting soppy but I’m sure there’s a part in all of us when it comes to our extended family that are our friends, that we would do anything for. WE ARE GROOT!