I used to be obsessed with this film when I was about 17ish I used to watch it lots and lots. I now haven’t watched it for about 4 years ish & decided it was time to watch it, and now I’m questioning my past judgement.
Basically 4 people meet & end up all having an affair with each other before cheating on each other again & the story follows them over 4 years as everything unravels.
I think it was Jude Law & Clive Owen that made me want to watch the film. Both were incredibly hot at the time, so maybe that’s why I enjoyed it quite a bit.
The acting is good, except for Natalie Portman she’s always a bit wooden. It’s also good that there’s only 4 people & that’s it no one else is in the film no real extra or people with additional lines.
The mirror image of the start & end of the film is brilliant showing exactly what’s changed them all as people due to these events.
Unfortunately it’s starting to look a bit of an old film now. It’s getting a bit dated & you think that if they remade it now it would be a bit more edgy.
It’s still a good film, but it’s not as good a film as I remember from about I years ago when I used to watch it religiously. When it finished I kinda felt hmm well okay then.