Want an American 60 retro comic version of a British spy film… then this is the franchise for you & are you happy about it whoop di do Basil.
Yep Mike Myers gets his chance to play a British spy who isn’t very good & only has one person he wants to start.
Basic synopsis Austin Powers the world best & most loved spy fails to capture his arch rival Dr evil. Dr evil escapes & is frozen in the 60s before coming back in the 90s Austin was also frozen by British intelligence. However after being awaken he fails to come to grips with the modern world & is out dated. His assistant Vanessa try to help but all Austin wants to do is shag her or anyone else. The two end up breaking into Dr evils base to stop him sending a nuclear bomb to blow up the earth’s core unless he’s been 100billion dollar’s.
When you see the synopsis like that you go this isn’t a very funny film really is it. Trust me it is.
Mike Myers is so ridiculous it’s hysterical, however now 20 years later it is a bit dated. It’s starting to show its age, but without this there wouldn’t be half the comedy films that there are today. Austin is so wacky & backwards, but you do feel for him despite his attitude to life.
His Dr evil is a better character I feel there’s more levels in this film that can be discovered especially with his son Scott played by Seth Green. Brilliant point regarding the over elaborate plan to kill the nemesis, and not watch. Why not go get the gun?
Elizabeth Hurley never really could act could she, even at the time she was bad at it. Im guessing thats why you never really warm to her character even when she warms to Austin.
Robert Wagners number two with his eye patch is really good. Especially the legal legit side of the business.
Right some points on the film now.
Poor Mr Bigglesworth bless him he doesnt match with cold now does he.
How many times to they have to try and kill Will Ferrell like seriously 400 times and he still doesnt die.
The swedish penis extension, which austin constantly claims isnt his but then it save them at the end of the film.
The Hench man is called Random Task… brilliant also why didnt i notice that until today seriously… im upset with myself.
Alota Fagina… yea really bad you could do so much more with that.
All i ever want is to have some fricken sharks with fricken lasers attached to their fricken heads… thats all. I could agree more i mean the angry ill-tempered mutated seabass are kick arse though.
All of the other deaths of the henchmen. & that there friends and familys all understand.
Cristian Slater & Orange sherbet, and trying to turn that golf cart around. both brilliant comic timing.
The two scenes where the penis or breasts are covered by random objects is interesting, well it was on the first viewing of the film years ago but now you look at it & go oh man no no no. The fembots count in that too, whats the point.
The group therapy session, is something thats just brilliant.
Its a really good comic film & makes me laugh everytime, but it feels dated now. Which in turn makes me start to feel very old, im guessing though without this half of comedy films wouldn’t exists today.