Don’t make him angry you won’t like it when he’s angry. The MCU starts to take formation with the incredible Hulk. It’s not one of their best films but it’s starts to put everything in motion.
Also it’s an origins story without being one which is very clever let’s see if spidy can do this in the next couple of years.
Edward Norton is good as Bruce Banner and after that first Hulk movie (lets not talk about it) was a breath of fresh air, but let all be honest would you rather see his Hulk or a Ruffalo Hulk??? i know what i like and maybe thats why i didnt warm to his know that this is all he does in the MCU just this film. Also at the time if id watch this before the newer ones maybe id have been more impressed.
Liv Tyler lets the whole film down, and that me saying something nice. She is so bad & wodden and awkward. she doesnt ever look like she really cares for him or loves him or is scared for him or have hatered for her Dad. It ruined the film basically forget some of the off CGI & Stan Lee Cameo this ruined the entire film. A stronger female character please Marvel. You know like Black Widow maybe that would be good, even a Jane Foster is stronger and thats saying something.
Tim Roth is really good in this film, however Abomination looks like godzilla meets the hulk meets a load of gunge left over from Noles House party. His Human character wanting to improve himself was really interesting, remember wev not met Rogers yet we dont know hes coming. Also as hes not killed off just tortured he could learn to control and then come back. I doubt it though which is a shame, he had the potential to be constant threat. Who we going to have instead… LOKI!!?? yea like that will ever work…. 😉
William Hurts general is ok i guess shame he has to have Liv Tyler as a daughter really. He must of known he couldnt kill the Hulk surely. he was doing the research with him surely hed seen the blood work & knew its was bad. Also why did he wipe the data???
I do like the fact you dont see the hulks face straight away, that makes it scary for then its a bit like (HUGE STAR WARS SPOILER RIGHT NOW) Scroll down 8 Lines to Avoid
Kylo Ren removes his mask and has a name which is scarier as hes human not a monster.
Ok spoiler free now. Its a shame the CGI on the hulk was bad. but not as bad as Tim Roths.
The Uni fight was cool and epic but could have had a lot more to it. Also why did they make him Angry thats not going to help the situation is it. At least you can control the man & not the beast.
The purple trousers seriously???
Poor Banner he cant have sex as he gets to excited thats not good, but if your going to go what a way to go sex with the Hulk is. Yet when it comes to cureing him (which i will get to in a sec) she basically mounts him doing the exact same while hes the Hulk.
So the cure thing might have not worked, but for all of 10mins we all thought it had. Imagine if it stayed. Bruce falls to his death splat on the floor & the slim godzilla takes over new york. not a good plan.
Also how did Tim Roth know that the antidotes antidote was defiantly there to make him into the thing? could have been a wild goose chase and not worked.
Why is it always new york? can we please blow or destroy somewhere else once in a while film makers (yes its iconic but they never use any iconic bits) This is for all film makers not just MCU & DC it irritates me
End credit scene at end of film not credits very random, yes its preping us for the avengers but thats like 3 more films away weve got a while to go & yet when we get to the avengers Tony is saying hes not counted as he doesnt play well with others??? very confusing MCU
Its very random but is at the bottom of the MCU pile. Sorry Ed but you werent up to scratch blame Liv and go beat up your Ruffalo Voodoo Doll to get your job back.
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