Quick back story for you. Went to see this on new year eve with my parents & a different friend to the previous film. My mum vividly remembers me sitting there jumping before the stuff happened, & then her jumping herself 2secs after as I knew what was coming as a book reader.
Unfortunately this is the potter film I enjoy the least. Sorry but it’s true. I always when I start to watch it go oh yay film Time, but by the time we get an hour in I’m always like well at least it’s not twilight.
Sir Kenneth Branners appearance adds another strong name to the franchise, playing the perfect slimy git. Also Toby Jones voicing dobby the house elf is so cool. However there is one man who steels the show from the new comers and on that note I’d like to say…HELLO TO JASON ISAACS!
We are also introduced to horcruxs in this film, without really knowing it. Which begs the question why was everyone so confused when they are properly introduced in number 6. Come on people work with me here.
Ginnys obsession with Harry also starts properly in this film.Maybe the fact that he saves her life makes her fall for him, after all that’s what happens in Disney films right?Kudos to young Tom Riddle. What a clever idea to come back through a diary & posses someone. However leaving it to lucious wasn’t the best plan however. Yea let’s just offload this book to the young girl in hope it works with her. Brilliant plan.
The basilisk still scares me it’s evil. Snakes freak me out at the best of times but this is something scarier. Oh iv gone all cold just thinking about it.
Also for that chamber scene i hope they didn’t destroy to the rebuild it in number 7 that would have been a waste of money. I hope they were given forewarning to keep parts of it.
I think the part that most people don’t notice about this film is that malfoy once potter frees doby does try to use the killing curse on Harry, but fails. More proof that it’s only Voldemort that can kill him as he can’t.
It’s a well done film & when it was released was amazingly well received, but knowing what happens next is the one people think of less fondly.