If your only going to watch one Film about the white house being destroyed & the president be threatened from 2012 this is the one.
Before we properly start I’m just going to say I saw this well before London has fallen but re watched before I went to see it.
So GEERRRAAAARRRRRDDDDD BBBBBBUUUUUUTTTTTTTLLLLLEEEEERRRRR is going to say Aaron Ekhart the president while Morgan Freeman tries to decide if he should sacrifice South Korea for the sake of America. Pretty standard sort of Film really.
First of all Gerard Butler is a good action hero but you can still hear his Scottish accent as he tries to be American. I know it’s not his fault it’s so strong but after 10 years in Hollywood it’s not getting weaker really. Mike Banning his character you know is going to become a lone survivor & the stuff of legend. He does a bloody good job in this film & even tho you know where it’s going there are still moments when I slightly think you know what maybe he will die.
Aaron Eckhart does make a good president. I never truly trust him after two face, but i always knew he was getting out of this alive. His staff loyalty and to his son after the incident is undoubted. He puts in a good performance but lets be honest a mop could give a good performance and play a president of the united states well.
Morgan Freeman is constantly used as the authority figure in action films and any modern films now. Yes he is recognisable, but hes Morgan Freeman. I cant even without googling tell you his character name at all from recent films ( except for batman where he was Fox) His character doesnt really stand up for himself that much & negotiates with terrorist something the president says america doesnt do.
Rick Yune is type cast as north Korean ans a villain in all his films, which is a shame really, especially as hes actually american. He is a very cleaver baddy though. Maybe im being harsh & he got the job as of right & then they decided to make him North Korean, but this is Hollywood & America so…
How many SAS and army guys have to die to prove the point seriously??? 5000? more? they just keep coming its normally the bad guys that keep multiplying but her its the government that keep dieing.
The car window explosions are brilliant just amazing on that drive, its such a small bit of the film but i really enjoy it. I do understand they blow every landmark up but seriously was there anything left to blow up. The line about the white house being insured is brilliant tho.
There are some good jokes like when the kids escaping (which you kinda forget about) when Butler takes out 4 bad guy & then yells false alarm keep going.
Blowing up the helicopter to make everyone think the president is dead is a brilliant twist. Horrendous but brilliant.
How long did it take for that bomb code to disarm like 40 seconds, id want a better fail safe than that on my nuclear system.
You dont need to watch this before London has Fallen, they do both stand alone, but it would help to see this, to get the back story of some of the characters especially Lynn.
Good solid action film which does make you at points think maybe they wont make it. Im very glad everyone dies so then we get London.