My first real superhero films were the Toby Maguire Spiderman films ( let’s not talk about the 3rd til we get there) so when I heard it was being remade completely like a couple of years later it put me off.
& then I realised it was Andrew Garfield… oh yes
So he’s more genetically engineered yes he’s still bitten but he’s more sciencey that previous. It’s kinda trying to keep up with the new batman & rest of marvel in film.
Andrew Garfield is a good Spiderman, you can tell from the way he acts it that it was his favourite when he was little. He’s cheeky & nerdy enough to be Peter Parker. He does wine & moan far to much tho. & how no-one really noticed his changes is stupid.
Emma Stones Gwen Stacey isn’t a damsel in distress like so many people are in these film, that are the love interest. She doesn’t care really, she’s more than happy to help out & get evolved. I wish she’d still been ginger tho blonde doesn’t suit her.
Rhys Ifans isn’t a real villain as the lizard. He’s only trying to save himself & whenever he turns back into the real man he always feels really guilty about what he’s done. Also yes the kids a Parker but what’s to say he’s not got this calculation wrong. He just trusts him that it’s all correct. Idiot, so he kinda had it coming.No sympathy at all.
Denis Leary isnt in the film for long enough to make an impact or make his death worth while. I knew he was going to die, i saw that coming a mile away.
Same for Martin Sheen, but he was always going to die as uncle Ben. Sally Field mopes to much too, anyone would think shes the damsel in distress.
I do like the fact that as spiderman saves the kid from dieing on the bridge, his dad tries to help spiderman save the day too. I know its only a film but it does let you have some faith in humanity.
Peter has loads of talents and random stuff happen over night, and hes really obvious about it so why doesnt anyone bother to ask him about whats going on seriously.
Also the random Stan Lee Cameo of cause. Should have guessed all along this was going to be apart of the MCU one day.
It was a good super hero film, true to a heart of gold and genuine. It did come out a bit soon after the last set of spiderman films which is its only fault. Lets hope they dont do that next time… oh wait