We’ve had a diplomatic debate & decided as a family to watch this. Obviously iv seen it before as you’ve read, so has my sister but neither parent had. So as theres was no football we all sat down & said 3 films we all wanted to watch & each person said Legend.
It was still just as good as when i first saw it.
For people who’ve been living under a rock, its the Story of the Kray Twins Reggie & Ronnie, told through his late wife, from the grave. Its their wise to become the gangsters of London to the fall of there undoing.
Tom Hardy has an Oscar nomination for the Revenant on Sunday, but i think hes got that as he didnt get one for this film. Its a travesty, the man plays to characters who are completely different in the same movie. The man needs recognition for his amazing performance, even if there is a moment when Ronnie does go a bit Bane on us. And even tho hes a gangster and evil and pure scum there are moments when you just fall a little bit more in love with him.
Emily Browning is really good, her narration is clear, and her acting and clear disappointment is so amazing. Although she cant make a cuppa tea.
Props to the crew and visual effects to especially in the fight seens and arguments between Reg & Ron, that must have been tricky even if Toms Stunt man helped out, must have been a pain to film and edit but oh god at no point do you think you are watching the same actor twice. The bar shoot out and casino fight are just works of art.
my dad laughed a lot at the fact that her mum turned up in black at the wedding like it was a funeral, and that he walked up to her & yelled fucking sing in the middle of the church.
Some of the deaths are fucking brutal. I know i swear alot sometime but thats exactly how it was. When the bloke gets shot in the head oh god, were up there with Ellis in Die hard when you see through the hole in his head. The last death of Jack the hat is properly grim too.
I want to go to Ibiza now again, im happy to go with him if he still wants to go.
Paul Bettany, Christopher Eccleston & David Thewlis random appearances through out are good to, it properly was a British film love in just with gore & crime.
Taron Egerton is fact becoming a fixture of British cinema and nailing his performances. His laugh at the bad casino scene just cements him, and he also has his own little side commentary being in the film, especially when it comes to the fight.
It does show us off for what kinda films us brits make to the point and honest with grimness but still a bit of humor. It was an amazing film. Please go and watch it peoples, its just brilliant.